Panel: Miradas Interdisciplinarias sobre la Salud Latina”




Panel: Interdisciplinary Views on Latino Health”.

Panel: Miradas Interdisciplinarias sobre la Salud Latina”

Hispanic Association of Health Professionals Inc. (AHPSI) and the Organizing Committee of the Community Health Fairs “Decide to Be Healthy” Present Expert Panel on Latino Health

New York, NY (June 24, 2024) – The Hispanic Association of Health Professionals Inc. (AHPSI) and the Organizing Committee of the “Decida Ser Saludable” Community Health Fairs are pleased to announce the presentation of the panel of experts titled “Latin Health in Context: An Interdisciplinary View.” This panel, which will be held as part of the upcoming Decide to Be Healthy Community Health Fair, will bring together leading health professionals to discuss the major diseases affecting the Latino community in the United States.

The panel will be coordinated by Dr. Aritmedes Restituyo, and will feature the participation of experts in various areas of health, including:

Heart diseases
Dental Health
Mental health
Panelists will discuss the causes, risk factors and prevention strategies for these diseases, as well as the latest research and treatments available. The goal of the panel is to increase awareness about health disparities affecting the Latino community and provide information and resources for people to make informed decisions about their health.

“We are excited to be able to offer this panel of experts to our community,” said Dr. Restituyo. “It is important that people have access to accurate and up-to-date information about their health, and this panel will give them the opportunity to learn from some of the leading experts in the field.”

The Decide to Be Healthy Community Health Fair is a free event open to the public that offers a variety of health and wellness services, including:

Free health tests
Dental exams.
Health counseling
Community health resources
Children activities
The fair will be held on Sunday, July 21, 2024, time: 9am-4pm.

Diabetes: The prevalence of diabetes among Hispanic adults is 70% higher than among non-Hispanic whites, and they have a 1.8 times greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Cardiovascular disease: The leading cause of death among Hispanics, with a 1.2 times greater risk than non-Hispanic whites of developing heart disease and a 1.7 times greater risk of dying from a stroke.

Preliminar , Invitados Expertos:

  • Dr. Aledy Moronta Abreu, Dentista: Enfatizará la importancia de la prevención de enfermedades orales para la salud general.
  • Victor Acosta, Nutricionista-Dietista: Brindaras información sobre nutrición adecuada y consejos para una dieta saludable que prevenga enfermedades crónicas.
  • Lic. Maria Magdalena Mosquea Moronta, Psicóloga: Discutirá los signos y síntomas de la depresión, estrategias de afrontamiento y la importancia de buscar ayuda profesional.
  • Dra. Jennifer Castillo, Uróloga: Informará sobre los tipos más comunes de cáncer que afectan a hombres y mujeres latinos, y la importancia de la detección temprana, con énfasis en el cáncer de la próstata.
  • Dra.Shirley Tinajero, Cardiologa, enfocara las enfermedades cardiovasculares.
  • Lic.Adalberto Dominguez, presidente instituto Duartiano, en new York.
