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Boston, medical congress, invitation to sponsor:







Colegio medico dominicano and Hispanic Health professionals association,Inc NY

Que ofrecemos a nuestros auspiciadores.

Boston Medical Congress, sponsored by participating institutions, is offering a comprehensive experience on March 25 and 26, 2023. This twoday event will include a reception, cocktail, and multiple scientific presentations. The reception will feature a keynote speaker, followed by a cocktail hour with light refreshments and networking opportunities. The scientific presentations will include topics such as medical research, healthcare policy, healthcare technology, and other relevant topics. Additionally, there will be opportunities for networking with other professionals in the field and engaging in meaningful discussions. We look forward to providing an engaging and informative experience for all participants. 732-277-9640, info@ahpsi.org 

What: VII annual international medical congress

DateMarch 25, 26, 2023

Place: Cambridge College, recinto boston.

500 Rutherford Ave, Boston. 02129

Cost: Us $60. estudiantes Us $30

Central topic: Empowerment of health professionals through education.






Qué visibilidad le ofrecemos a nuestros auspiciadores:


  • Your company logo will be placed and mentioned in our zoom & facebook-live conferences, live from every Wednesday and Saturday
  • You can place a 6-foot table at the entrance of the event, showing your company
  • Your logo will be placed on the final promotional poster for the Dominican Republic and several US states.
  • The logo of your company will be placed in the final program of the congress.
  • Brochures or posters of your company may be placed in each folder of the participants.
  • Your institution’s logo will be placed on more than 4 fold-out signs, within the event
  • Your sponsorship will be mentioned in various press releases on our website.
  • Your sponsorship will be mentioned at each meeting of the organizing committee
  • Special mention of your company at the 20th anniversary gala.
  • You will be offered 5 minutes of exposure within the special reception ceremony.
  • During the congress lunch you will also have the opportunity again to present your institution in detail.

The funds provided by your company will be used for general expenses of this congress. Thanks in advance.












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