AHPSI, welcome distinguished panelists,May 15, 16, 2021.



Our AHPSI organization thanks all our distinguished panelists invited to our XV annual international medical congress, to be held virtually on May 15 and 16, 2021, thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Health professionals: Doctors, Nurses, Bionalists, Dentists, Pharmacists, medical assistants, students are welcome.  732-277-9640, info@ahpsi.org

XV congreso Medico anual internacional, Mayo 15,16, 2021.
Dra.Rosa Enilda Lora Lora.  
Dr.Cesar  Joel Benites.        
Dr.Hirving Henriquez. DDS.  
Licda.Evelin Mateo Mancebo .
Dra.Yokasta Germosen Almonte. 
Dra.Cecilia Buchanan.
Dra.Haydee Rochits.
Dr.Bruno Rosario.
Dr.Laureano Cruz.
Dra.Joely Anico.
Hon.Karines Reyes.
Jily Nelson,canta-autor.
Ana Soto.
Dra.Raysa Portorreal. 
 Dra.Clara  Luz Silvestre. 
Dra.Angela Feliz.    
Dra.Yokasta Germosen Almonte.
Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams.
Dr.Amaury Garcia.
Dr.Eduardo Cancino.
Ing.Thomas Corey.
Nina J Solenski, MD .

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