AHPSI,Medico Veterinario graduado en el extranjero, 4 Pasos para convalidar su titulo en Estados Unidos de America.
Por el Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.Presidente del Ahpsi.
Debajo encontraras los 4 pasos los cuales usted necesita para convalidar su titulo de Veterinario en Estados Unidos de America, incluimos tambien algunos libros recomendados para estudiar , este articulo es de informacion general nuestra institucion no tiene ninguna relacion con esas agencias, es su responsabilidad verificar la credibilidad de estas instituciones entrando a su pagina.le deseamos muchas suerte!!
1.Prueba de graduacion, como medico veterinario de la universidad donde usted se graduo.
2.Aprobar examen de Ingles autorizado por ECFVG] Educational Commission for foreign Veterinary Graduates.
3.Aprobar examen de ciencias Basicas y Clinicas.
4.Debe demostrar sus destrezas Clinicas, en evaluacion personal.

Certification program
The Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) certification program, which consists of four separate steps outlined below, is accepted by all state veterinary regulatory boards and the federal government as meeting, either in part or full, the educational prerequisite for licensure or certain types of employment, respectively.

Contact the ECFVG office, learn more about the history of the ECFVG program, meet the staff and the members of the Commissionoverseeing the program, see an overview of the four-step program, read the complete Policies and Procedures of the ECFVG, and find other useful resources including contact information for state veterinary regulatory boards.
The ECFVG certification program consists of the following four steps designed to be completed in order. For complete instructions for each of the program steps, click on any “Step” image below or use the links at left.
— Enroll, provide proof of graduation, and verify your veterinary college credentials.
A prospective candidate must be a graduate of, or a final year student at, an AVMA listed veterinary school to be eligible for enrollment in the program. To enroll, submit an online application along with a signed, and notarized confirmation page; all necessary documentation; and required fees to the ECFVG office. The office will verify your credentials directly with the school from which you graduated. Click on the “Step 1” image to the left for more information.
— Assess your English language ability.
Candidates must successfully complete one of three standard English language assessments accepted by the ECFVG. This examination may be completed before enrolling into the program, but the ECFVG does require an original score report from the testing agency, and the testing agencies retain scores for only two years from the test date. Candidates completing secondary school in the United States, United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland), Australia, New Zealand, or Canada (except Quebec) may request that the examination requirement be waived by submitting appropriate documentation of English proficiency in accordance with ECFVG policy. Click on the “Step 2” image to the left for more information.
— Assess your basic and clinical veterinary science knowledge.
Candidates must successfully complete the ECFVG-specific Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination (BCSE), which is a 225-question, multiple-choice, computer-based assessment of basic and clinical veterinary sciences knowledge. The ECFVG office will notify candidates of their eligibility to apply for the BCSE only after candidates complete Step 2. Click on the “Step 3” image to the left for more information.
— Assess your hands-on clinical veterinary medical skills.
Candidates must successfully complete the Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE) to complete the program and achieve certification. The CPE is a multi-day, multi-section postgraduate assessment of hands-on clinical veterinary medical skills covering entry-level skills in both large and small animal species, as well as laboratory and other diagnostic practices. The ECFVG office will notify candidates of their eligibility to apply for the CPE only after candidates complete Steps 1, 2 and 3. Click on the “Step 4” image to the left for more information.
Colaboracion del Ahpsi,
Dr.Restituyo, 732-277-9640.