AHPSI,tu voz, factores de riesgos para el Stroke, en vivo

Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano - Conferencista - Hospital Dr. Antonio ...
Nuestra invita al programa en vivo la hora del Neurologo,Dr. Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano.

Invitacion   TV AHPSI, tu voz en vivo, este Miercoles 8 de Julio, 2020, Hora 8pm,  usando ZOOM: 83464046531 TV-AHPSI, tu voz!! 

Dentro de nuestro programa la hora del Neurologo   presenta panel: 

Stroke Prevention

TEMA DEL DIA:Factores de riesgo en Accidentes Cerebro Vasculares  Vs Hipertension.

MIERCOLES Julio, 8, 2020 Hora 8pm

atraves de ZOOM:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83464046531

Stroke Risk Factors - Milka Clarke Stroke Brain Trauma Foundation
Miercoles Julio 8, 2020, en vivo 8pm. atraves de Zoom.


Dra.Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano, Cardiolog.

Dr.Carlos  Augusto Williams,Neurólogo.

Dra.Vicky Coll.

Usando ZOOM:8346404653183464046531

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AHPSI: Nota importante durante este programa ” La hora del Neurologo”, usted podra informarse sobre  los nuevos cursos de actualizacion  sobre  nuestros cursos, entrenamiento, certificaciones, oportunidades de empleos, viajes, congreso internacionales, y ademas podra conocer como convertirse en miembro del AHPSI, Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud,Inc NY  con mas de 31 años de servicio.

Breve datos biograficos Dra.Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano.

Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano - Conferencista - Hospital Dr. Antonio ...
Invitada Miercoles 8 de Julio, Dr. Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano

Dr. Clara Luz Silvestre Soriano, Medical-Cardiologist graduated from the University of Central del Este.ergometrista, master higher education, author of electro cardiografia guide book.

Appointments and Hours of Operation for Dr. Carlos Williams Jr ...

she was a teacher medical residences of family and community medicine and Emergentology and critical care hospital Dr Antonio Musa, was teacher at the Universidad Central del Este, San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic. Past Clinical Area Coordinator UCE, Member and former Eastern Regional President of the Dominican Society of Cardiology Member of the Dominican Medical College, Member of the Hispanic Health Association of New York City, exhibitor at the first medical symposium on vascular diseases in Reading-Pennsylvania, organized by last December Ahpsi, 2019

Carlos augusto Williams, MD

Breve datos biograficos Dr.Carlos Agusto Williams.

Carlos Augusto Williams, MD.es Medical Neurologist, specialist in Vascular Neurology and sleep disorders, [American Board of Sleep medicine], graduate professor, author of 2 autobiographical books, founder of the national campaign for the prevention of accidents cerebrovascular [STROKE], in the Dominican Republic, has a license to practice Medicine & Neurology in the states of Virginia and in New York, Co-founder of the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals in New York 30 years ago, from which has contributed to promoting the labor insertion of health professionals into the US health system, founder of the television program “the hour of the Neurologist”, through TV -AHPSI your voice!! Dr. Williams is a member of the American Society of Neurologist in Virginia, Dominican Society of Neurology, Dominican Medical College and World Stroke Association

American Heart Association | To be a relentless force for a world ...
Dra.Vicky Coll, nuestra invitada este Miercoles 8 de Julio, 8pm.

Dr.Vicky Coll.

Regional Director, Health Equity & Multicultural Initiatives at American Heart Association

Certification Public Health,University of Medicine  & Dentistry of New Jersey.

• Master Degree Health Management Health Service Management,Fundacion Universidad Jorge Tadeo  Lozano.

Bachelor’s degree in Science Dentistry, DDS, Universidad Nacional Bogota Colombia,

