Ahpsi, “la Hora del Neurologo”,Ms.Amy Edmunds, invitada lider y pionera prevencion Stroke en Jovenes.

Episode 69 A Conversation With Amy Edmunds - Founder and CEO of ...
Ms.Amy Edmunds, conferencista invitada este Miercoles 1 de Julio 2020. 8pm.

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TV-AHPSI, tu voz!!  dentro de nuestro programa La hora del Neurologo.

   Presenta panel: Stroke en los paciente Jovenes.

MIERCOLES Julio, 1, 2020 Hora 8pm .

Atraves de ZOOM:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83464046531

Durante este programa usted conocera la epidemiologia del Stroke en los pacientes jovenes, causas, tratamiento y su prevencion,se considera que mas de 2 millones de pacientes jovenes son afectados de stroke, en el mundo.

INVITADOS: Ms Amy Edmunds, Dra.Carlos Augusto Williams.

Episode 69 A Conversation With Amy Edmunds - Founder and CEO of ...
Amy Edmunds, en TV – AHPSI ,Miercoles 1 JUlio, 2020, hor 8pm.

Panel : Stroke en los paciente Jovenes.

Dia Miercoles   2020.  8pm.

Invitados:Ms.Amy Edmunds.Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams.

Ahpsi, se siente privilegiada en tener como invitada este Miercoles 1 de Julio, 2020, 8pm, en nuestro programa “La hora del Neurologo”, a Ms.Amy Edmunds, sobreviviente de stroke, a la edad de 43 anós pionera en la  fundacion de organizaciones  en Estados Unidos de america, las cuales luchan en la prevencion de los accidentes cerebro vasculares, dentro de la poblacion Joven, welcome!! ms.Edmund,

compartira esta panel junto con nuestro anfitrion el Dr.Carlos Augusto williams.

Dr.Carlos Augusto Willimas, Miercoles 1 de Julio, 2020, hora 8pm.

Breve datos Biograficos de Ms.Amy Edmund.BIOGRAPHY: Amy Edmunds.

NIH award winning scholar and researcher Amy Edmunds is a global trendsetter and thought leader for stroke survivorship among young adults. She has been a frequent speaker in the world’s largest strokecare venues, including the World Stroke Congress and the International Stroke Conference. After experiencing a cryptogenic stroke in 2002, her graduate studies led to the establishment of YoungStroke, Inc., a non-profit in 2005. It marks America’s first patient advocacy organization to raise awareness about the unmet needs of young stroke survivors. Partnering with Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, she coordinated YoungStroke 2015 as the first international conference on this topic. She is the first American stroke survivor to serve on the Board of Directors of the World Stroke Organization and was re-elected to the role in 2018. Currently, as principal of Young Stroke Media, she consults clients world wide about stroke patient outreach, education and public awareness.

Episode 69 A Conversation With Amy Edmunds - Founder and CEO of ...

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AHPSI: Nota importante durante este programa ” La hora del Neurologo”, usted podra informarse sobre  los nuevos cursos de actualizacion  sobre  nuestros cursos, entrenamiento, certificaciones, oportunidades de empleos, viajes, congreso internacionales, y ademas podra conocer como convertirse en miembro del AHPSI, Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud,Inc NY  con mas de 31 anos de servicio.

Carlos Augusto Williams, MD.es Medical Neurologist, specialist in Vascular Neurology and sleep disorders, [American Board of Sleep medicine], graduate professor, author of 2 autobiographical books, founder of the national campaign for the prevention of accidents cerebrovascular [STROKE], in the Dominican Republic, has a license to practice Medicine & Neurology in the states of Virginia and in New York, Co-founder of the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals in New York 30 years ago, from which has contributed to promoting the labor insertion of health professionals into the US health system, founder of the television program “the hour of the Neurologist”, through TV -AHPSI your voice!! Dr. Williams is a member of the American Society of Neurologist in Virginia, Dominican Society of Neurology, Dominican Medical College and World Stroke Association

“La hora del Neurologo, se presenta cada Miercoles a ls 8pm, hora de New York.


