TV -AHPSI presenta demencia su impacto en la comunidad Latina.

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Panel sobre el impacto de la Demencia en los Latinos , Viernes 12 de Junio, hora 4pm por Zoom.

Version English & Espanol 

Panel sobre la Demencia este Viernes 12 de Junio,2020  , 4pm  ZOOM:  816 5672 8650

TV-AHPSI, tu voz!! continua su programa “la hora del neurologo”, en vivo para el mundo, este Viernes 12 de Junio, 2020, hora 4pm  atraves de la plataforma ZOOM, y de Facebook live, codigo para entrar:Meeting ID:816 5672 8650 , libre de costo. anfitrion Dr.Carlos Augusto  Williams, Medico Neurologo, tema del dia: 

Demencia   su impacto en la comunidad latina. 

A Mindful Gift — Dementia Connections
Demencia panel atraves de ZOOM ID : 816 5672 8650

Responderemos sus inquietudes sobre nuestros programas, le esperamos.  dirigido a los profesionales de la salud y la comunidad.

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Dra.Carmen Yajaira Ramirez  Martinez, Psiquiatra ,Licet Valois, LMSW, MPS, CDP,Care & Support Program Manager | Alzheimer’s Association, &  Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams, Neurologo.

” Memories Matter: Until there is a Care there is HOPE”.

Este panel presentara un analisis  sobre la demencia  tanto en su diagnostico, tratamiento, y el apoyo en la comunidad,

Nuestros Invitados:

About Us - Alzheimers prevention clinic, alzheimers doctor, alzu
Licet Valois, LMSW, MPS, CDP,

Licet Valois is a bilingual licensed social worker, practicing as an aging and dementia care consultant. She has been working in the field of dementia care for the last 15 years, always serving aging individuals and their paid and non-paid caregivers. Her education includes a masters’ in social work, a masters’ in professional studies, a post masters’ certificate in aging and mental health and a certificate in medical interpretation. Prior to going privately in the field of gerontology, Licet worked with a well-recognized NYU multidisciplinary team assessing memory disorders, providing direct services and participating in dementia research. In 2009, she was one of the New York Post Finalists for The Liberty Medal (recognition to New Yorkers who go out of their way to help others).


La Dra.Carmen Yajaira Ramirez Martinez, es nativa de  Municipio Pedro Brand, Provincia Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana,  Sus  padres son los educadores Pedro Ramírez y Eligia Martínez, Psicóloga también esta última. Estudio en el Colegio  Parroquial San Antonio de Padua en la Comunidad de Los Alcarrizos donde obtuvo el título de Bachiller en Ciencia y Letras. En la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), obtuvo los títulos de Doctora en Medicina, Máster en Fisiología y Especialista en Psiquiatría y en la  Universidad Nacional Evangélica el título de Máster en Terapia Familiar y de Pareja.

Casada con Richard Corcino y madre de Catalina del Pilar y Carmen Ligia.

Se Desempeña como Docente Universitaria,de las Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Universidad Nacional Evangélica, Universidad Nacional Adventista.

Pasada Secretaria de Asuntos Intergremiales de la Sociedad Dominicana de Psiquiatría.
Pasada directora del hospital psiquiátrico padre Billini y hospital municipal los alcarrizos.Productora radio, es fundadora  del programa radia Salud , mito y Tabu.

Ha realizado y publicado varios artículos científicos   con diferentes topicos de su especialidad. 

Practica Privada en Municipio Los Alcarrizos, Republica Dominicana.

Carlos Augusto  Williams,MD.

Carlos Augusto Williams, Medical Neurologist, specialist in Vascular Neurology and sleep disorders, [American Board of Sleep medicine], graduate professor, author of 2 autobiographical books, founder of the national campaign for the prevention of accidents cerebrovascular [STROKE], in the Dominican Republic, has a license to practice medicine & Neurology in the states of Virginia and in New York, Co-founder of the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals in New York 30 years ago, from which has contributed to promoting the insertion of health professionals into the US health system, founder of the television program “the hour of the Neurologist”, through TV -AHPSI, your voice!!


Hispanic Health Professionals Association Inc NYover 30 Years of service.

Invitation: Meeting panel.

ZOOM:  816 5672 8650, Friday June 12, 2020, Time 4pm 

TV-AHPSI, your voice !! continues its program “the Neurologist’s Hour”, live for the world, this Friday June 12  2020, 4pm time through the ZOOM platform, and Facebook live, code to enter: Meeting ID: 816 5672 8650,  free of cost. Host Dr. Carlos Augusto Williams, Neurologist, topic of the day: Dementia its impact on the Latino community.

dementia cure - jab with new vaccine could prevent Alzheimer's ...

We will answer your questions about our programs, we are waiting for you, Aimed at health professionals and the community.

Topic:   Dementia its impact on the Latino community.
This panel will present a clinical approach to diagnosis and management Improving the Quality of Life and Care of Persons Living with Dementia and their Caregivers. 
Guests:  Dr. Carmen Yajaira Ramirez Martinez, PsychiatristLicet Valois, LMSW, MPS, CDP, Care & Support Program Manager | Alzheimer’s Association, & Dr. Carlos Augusto Williams, Neurologist.

” Memories Matter: Until there is a Care there is HOPE”.

Hispanic Association of Health Professionals, Inc NY, your second home in New York !! 

 816 5672 8650

Dr. Carmen Yajaira Ramirez Martinez, is a native of Pedro Brand, Santo Domingo Province, Dominican Republic, Doctor of Medicine graduated from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Master in Physiology and Specialist in Psychiatry and the National Evangelical University the Master’s degree in Family and Couples Therapy.

She works as a University Professor, of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, National Evangelical University, National Adventist University, Dominican Republic.
Past Secretary of Inter-gremial Affairs of the Dominican Society of Psychiatry.Past director of the father Billini psychiatric hospital and los alcarrizos municipal hospital.Radio producer, she is the founder of the radio program called “Salud, mito y Tabu”.

Dr. Ramirez, published several scientific articles with different topics of her specialty.
Private Practice in Los Alcarrizos Municipality, Dominican Republic.