AHPSI,informa prestamos disponibles para los miembros de Neighborhood trust federal credit union, en New York, si no eres miembro puede aplicar online , ver debajo. mas detalles, info@ahpsi.org, 732-277-9640
- Do you have a friend or family member that wants to join NTFCU?
They can sign up and apply online to join us now.
- Are you in need of emergency cash, a personal loan, or debt consolation loan?
Sign up and apply for your loan here.
- Want to speak with a financial coach? Neighborhood Trust provides NTFCU members with free financial counseling, sign up.

- For nonmembers, you can schedule your financial counseling appointment with the Financial Empowerment Center here
We are here to help you!
For more information, visit our website.

Ahpsi, directivos.
Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud, Inc NY,AHPSI, consejo directivo 2020:
Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo President, Dr.Carlos Williams, Chairman,Dr.Eliscer Guzman,President advitam, Dra.Theresa Rodriguez, past-president, Dra.Leonor Tavarez, Member, Dra.Julia Bello, Dra.Carmen Rodriguez, Education,Licda.Milagros de la Rosa, Dr.Teodulo Davis.
Nota importante aclaratoria el Dr.Diogenes Fermin Mercedes ,ya no pertenece a nuestro consejo directivo, tampoco a nuestra institucion, cualquier accion o requerimiento de su parte el Dr.Fermin, lo hace a titulo personal pero no a nombre de nuestra institucion AHPSI.
Important explanatory note: Dr. Diogenes Fermin Mercedes, no longer belongs to our board of directors, nor to our institution, any action or requirement on his part, Dr.Fermin, does so on a personal basis but not on behalf of our AHPSI institution.
Estamos sus ordenes para preguntas o sugerencias escribir a toda confianza a: info@ahpsi.org ,