TV-AHPSI, your voice !!hospital of Sabana Grande de Boya,Friday May 15, 2020

The municipal hospital of Sabana Grande de Boya, foto cortesia.

TV-AHPSI, your voice !! continues its program “the neurologist’s hour”, live for the world, this Friday May 15, 2020, 4pm time through the ZOOM platform, and Facebook live, code to enter: Meeting ID: 882 3395 8239., free of cost.

Dr.Jesus Mejia, invitado Viernes 15 Mayo, 2020 hora 4pm

Host Dr. Carlos Augusto Williams, Neurologist, topic of the day: Prevention of cerebrovascular accidents in the municipal hospital of Sabana Grande de Boya, Dominican Republic.

Como entrar a esta conferencia: Meeting ID: 882 3395 8239.

We will answer your questions about our programs, we are waiting for you., Aimed at health professionals and the community.

Guests: Dr.Jesus Mejia director Municipal Hospital of Sabada grande de Boyá, Dominican Republic & Staff

Hispanic Association of Health Professionals, Inc NY, your second home in New York !!
