Tecnico Radiologo 3 pasos basicos para aplicar a su licencia en EE-UU.

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3 primeros pasos para la certificacion tecnico Radiologo.

AHPSI,Asociacion hipana de profesionales de la salud Inc NY, por considerarlo de interes para nuestros inmigrantes los cuales han inmigrado con titulo de especialidad en imagenes, desde tecnico Radiologo, sonografista, aqui sus primeros 3 pasos, en buscar su certificacion, luego de cumplir con los requerimientos de registracion con the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT],usted debe aplicar para presentar el emen con la agencia Pearson VUE, ver detalles debajo, visitar su pagina web, suerte en su nuevo proceso.!!

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Tecnico Radiologo primero aplicar con ARRT, y luego con Pearson VUE.

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) is the world’s largest credentialing organization that seeks to ensure high quality patient care in radiologic technology.

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En su meta de lograr esta licencia, no mirar hacia atras nunca!!

Como enter a la pagina: https://home.pearsonvue.com/arrt


Before scheduling an examination appointment, you must have already:

  1. Applied to ARRT for certification and received your Candidate Status Report;
  2. Been notified of your eligibility to sit for the examination; and
  3. Paid an examination authorization fee to ARRT.
100 frases de éxito que te motivaran

If you are a candidate for ARRT certification, direct any questions to ARRT at 651-687-0048, ext. 8560. If you are a candidate for state licensure, direct any questions to your state licensing agency.

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First-time test takers must create a Pearson VUE web account. Please note that account creation may require up to 24 hours. You will be notified by email when your account is activated. When creating your account and scheduling your test, you will need your ARRT ID from the Candidate Status Report. If the name/address information you originally provided ARRT is no longer accurate, you must resolve the discrepancies with ARRT before you arrive at the test center. Appointments may be made up to one business day in advance.

After you schedule your test, Pearson VUE will send a confirmation letter listing your test date, your testing time, the address and phone number of the test center, and directions to the test center.



Ahpsi, certificaciones disponibles para todos los profesionales de la salud, ahora estamos online!!

AHPSI,consejo directivo 2020: Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo  President, Dr.Carlos Williams, Chairman,Dr.Eliscer Guzman,President advitam, Dra.Theresa Rodriguez, past-president,  
Dra.Leonor Tavarez, Member, Dra.Julia Bello,  Dra.Carmen Rodriguez, Education,Licda.Milagros de  la  Rosa, Dr.Teodulo Davis,  a sus ordenes  para preguntas  o sugerencias escribir a toda confianza a: info@ahpsi.org ,

732-277-9640, 516-422-9623