Philadelphia, Healh Fair ,postponed due to the Coronavirus.

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Ahpsi,Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud, Inc NY, y ASOHITEFA,   Asociacion de terapeutas familiares de Pennsylvania, informamos  que nuestra pautada feria anual de la salud  a ser celebrada el Domingo 26 de abril, 2020 ha sido pospuesta, debido a la crisis del coranovirus, por la salud y seguridad de nuestros  voluntarios y nuestra comunidad la nueva fecha de celebracion de esta feria sera anunciada.

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Ahpsi, Hispanic Association of Health Professionals, Inc. NY, and ASOHITEFA, Association of Pennsylvania Family Therapists, inform that our scheduled annual health fair to be held on Sunday, April 26, 2020 has been postponed due to the crisis. of coranovirus, for the health and safety of our volunteers and our community, the new celebration date of this fair will be announced.

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Comite :

Dra.Lourdes Alcantara, Dra.Carmen Rodriguez, Licda.Milagros De la Rosa,Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo. 
