Dra.Pela Roseboom de Aldave,Holanda-Peru,expondra XV congreso medico NY


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Dra.Pela Roseboom de Aldave,  Peru-Holanda.
Topic:  Migration  and  Health: Demand in Health care caused by migratory processes.

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Dra.ela Roseboom de Aldave,expositora XV congreso medico anual Mayo 17, 2020,NY


Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud, Inc NY, se siente orgullosa de tener como invitada a la  Dra.Pela Roseboom de Aldave,Nativa de Holanda, nacionalizada Peruana, la cual presentatara  el tema: Demand in Health care caused by migratory processes, dentro de nuestro XV congreso medico anual internacional a celebrarse el Domingo 17 de Mayo 2020 en el Vivian & Seymour  Milstein Heart center, Columbia University,  177 Forth Washington ave, NY 10032, en horario de la Manana, este evento cientifico estara dedicado a topico selectos de salud  Publica  y  Epidemiologia, la Dra.Aldave, nos distingue con su presentacion la cual tratara sobre los desafios, y expectativas las cuales genera la immigracion en el mundo, y de como podemos enfocarlas  para tratar con dignidad a nuestros inmigrates,  horario  de este congfreso medico es :8am-4:30pm.  te esperamos. 

Ahpsi, Hispanic  Health Professionals Association,In NY, is proud to have as a guest Dr. Pela Roseboom de Aldave, a native of the Netherlands, also a Peruvian citizen, director of culture at the embassy of the Netherlands in Peru, which will present the theme: Demand in Health care caused by migratory processes, within our XV annual international medical congress to be held on Sunday May 17, 2020 at Vivian & Seymour Milstein Heart center, Columbia University, 177 Forth Washington ave, NY 10032 , in the morning, this scientific event will be dedicated to selected topics of Public Health and Epidemiology, Dr. Aldave, distinguishes us with her presentation which will deal with the challenges, and expectations generated by immigration in the world, and How we can approach them to treat our immigrants with dignity, hours of this medical conference is: 8 am-4: 30pm. We will wait for you.

Ahpsi, Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.



info@ahpsi.org , www.ahpsi.org  

XV Annual international medical congress, Sunday, May  17, 2020,

Time 8 am- 5pm. Place: Vivian & Seymour  Milstein Heart center, Columbia University,  177 Forth Washington ave, NY  10032.

During this event we will be offering selected topics in  epidemiology &  public health, with the slogan “Exploring new ways to improve health in the Latino population”
Registraciones para exponer estan abiertas!! 
