Cancelado congreso mundial Stroke Vienna-Austria, Europa


Cancelado congreso mundial Stroke Vienna-Austria, Europa, pautado para Mayo,12-14, 2020.

Debido a la crisis del corona Virus,COVID-19 outbreak, nueva fecha de celebracion Noviembre 6-9, 2020.

Nuestras excusas a nuestros miembros, y colaboradroes los cuales nos habian confirmado sus asistencia, nuestra representante de viaje le llamara.


Jointly Organised by the European Stroke Organisation &
the World Stroke Organization
 6-9 November 2020 | Vienna, Austria  Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Due to the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, and in an effort to prevent spreading the virus and for the sake of event participants, the European Stroke Organisation together with the World Stroke Organization, has decided to postpone the ESO-WSO 2020 Conference, scheduled to take place in Vienna from 12-15 May 2020.

The new dates for ESO-WSO 2020 are 6-9 November.
The conference will take place at the same venue, Austria Center Vienna.

In the coming weeks, we will be updating the website with new registration deadlines, new programme scheduling and additional information.
Please click here to view some frequently asked questions and answers.

ESO-WSO 2020 is your meeting. The community depends on your active participation in sharing your research, your insights and your expertise. This highly anticipated conference will be worth the wait!

In the meantime, we kindly ask for your patience and support, and wish you, your colleagues and families good health and resilience.

Warmest regards,

Jesse Dawson & Michael Brainin
Chairs of the Conference Planning Group
