XV Annual international medical congress, Sunday, May 17, 2020.NY
Bievenidos, nuestra asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, Inc, NY, anuncia orgullosamente nuestros invitados procedentes del Peru, Republica Dominican, New Jersey, y New York, para exponer en nuestro congreso medico anual internacional, dedicado a temas selectos en Salud publica, a ser celebrado el Domingo 17, de Mayo 2020.
Welcome, our Hispanic association of health professionals, Inc, NY, proudly announces our guests from Peru, the Dominican Republic, New Jersey, and New York, to present at our annual international medical congress, dedicated to select topics in Public Health, to be celebrated on Sunday, May 17, 2020. Welcome!! Thanks!!
Invitados 2020:
Dra.Ariela Valdez Holguin. NY.Dr.Hirving Henriquez.
Dr.Freddy Flores.Allentown
Dra.Pela Roseboom de Aldave, Peru-Holanda.
Dr.Ruben Toribio,NY.
Dr.Hector Colon Rivera, Philadelphia.
Miriam Aristy-Farer.
Dra.Kirsy Japa,NJ. Topico: “Latino mental Health,Through a community perspective in the USA.
Dra.Casilda Balmaceda.NY Update in Dementia.
Dra.Yokasta Rosario Germosén Almonte, Santiago,Republica Dominicana. Topic: Epidemiological profile of the main causes of death in the Dominican Republic”
Dr.Pedro Rugiero.
Dr.Rafael Castro.
Hon.Karines Reyes, topic Health indicators in the Latino population of the Bronx, New York”.
Time 8 am- 5pm.
Place: Vivian & Seymour Milstein Heart center, Columbia University, 177 Forth Washington ave, NY
During this event we will be offering selected topics in epidemiology & public health, with the slogan “Exploring new ways to improve health in the Latino population”
Registraciones para exponer estan abiertas!!
Ahpsi, Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.
resti1@aol.com, 732-277-9640
info@ahpsi.org ,