Panel:Health of Latinos in the City of Philadelphia” ,Sunday April 26, 2020

Te esperamos el 26 de Abril, 2020.

Ahpsi, together with the Association of Family Therapists, of Pennsylvania, will be sponsoring the panel “Health of Latinos in the City of Philadelphia” at “Decide to be Healthy “, the II annual health fair in Philadelphia on Sunday April 26, 2020, panel time 11am, free of charge.

Coordinated by Dr. Samantha Felix..

Topics: Feria Salud de Filadelfia.

Prevention of Cardio-vascular diseases,vascular brain, ACV,Mental Health, Depression, Addictions, diet, nutrition, Diabetes, and its control, prevention of Domestic violence,Gun violence prevention, in Philadelphia, also emphasis on lifestyle change.

This panel presents an analysis, resumed, of course, of the most frequent diseases and medical conditions, which affect Latinos residing in the Philadelphia district, Pennsylvania, we invite the community to hear from our experts at this round table or panel,  only for 50 minutes, here we will offer raffles and gifts, not everything will be heard if not also win, thanks to our sponsors, you can also ask questions!

Guests Speakers:

Victor Acosta, MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI,. Dr. Julia Bello,Samantha Felix, Cesar Galvis.
