Ahpsi, Conferencia :Diabetes & advancement in technology, Victor Acosta, Marzo 27, 2020

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Conferencia del mes:

Ahpsi,Marzo, 27, 2020, Invitado,  Nutricionista,Dietista ,Educador  en Diabetes, Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI

Ahpsi, presenta su  conferencia Mes de Marzo,  invitado , Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI, dia Viernes  de Marzo,27, 2020, Hora 7pm,  en el Vivian & Seymour Milstein Heart Center, Columbia University, del 177 forth Washington Ave,  New York, NY 10032, libre de costo.

Resultado de imagen para diabetes technology

AHPSI,Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud,  Inc,NY, Over 30 Years of services.

 invita a sus miembros , y la comunidad en general,  a nuestra Reunión conferencia  médica del mes, free, libre de costo,.

Viernes ,27  de Marzo,  2020, Hora 7pm.

 Lugar: Vivian and Seymour Milstein Heart Center, Columbia University, del 177 forth Washington Ave,  New York, NY. Room  New York  Tren A Parada 168th  St,  Libre de costo.   Profesionales de la salud & nuevos miembros  welcome!!.Invitado :Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI

Conferencia :Diabetes & advancement in technology

Breve biografia Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI:

Victor Acosta is a Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator consultant with offices in the Bronx and in Manhattan. Born in the Dominican Republic. and immigrated to the US as a teenager, he has a passion for learning and teaching. He obtained a GED (High School Equivalency Certificate). He earned a BS in Nutrition from Hunter College, a Master’s degree in Special Education from Lehman College, and a Master’s degree in School Administration from the College of New Rochelle.  Two of his most challenging  and rewarding experiences have been obtaining certification as a Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired where he had to demonstrate his ability to read, write and teach Braille. And, after teaching special education for three decades, he became a Certified Diabetes Educator. (There are fewer than 20,000 health professionals with similar certification in the entire nation). He has been treasurer of the American  Association of Diabetes Educators – -Lower Hudson, New York State. 

Resultado de imagen para diabetes technology

 Esta conferencia de victor Acosta, nos presentara los ultimos avances, tecnologico en el Diagnostico y tratamiento de la Diabetes.

Published articles:

Clinical Cardiology, November 2017 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/clc.22843/fullThe American Journal of Cardiology.Volume 123, Issue 6, 15 March 2019, Pages 865-873 

Hobby Victor Acosta:

Resultado de imagen para barista and bread

When he is not providing nutrition and diabetes education workshops to the community and to health care providers, you can find him in his kitchen in Manhattan making coffee as a self-taught home barista and bread making aficionado.

You can reach him @ Vacosta51@Gmail.com  

Linkein.comVictor Acosta, MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI  Agenda del dia:
Save date Health Fair  :2020

□ March 11-14,  II ministerial Stroke Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, participantes por el Ahpsi, Dr.Carlos Williams & Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo,  open  a otros invitados.

 □  Domingo 26 de Abril, 2020, II feria annual de la salud, en Filadelfia PA,Coordinadora Dra.Lourdes Alcantara, & Ahpsi, Lugar: 3803 North 5th Street  Philadelphia, PA 19140,  Our Motto  “Decide to be Healthy”.

□ Sunday, May,  17, 2020  XV  Annual Medical Congreso, tema central: Temas  selectos en Public Health, , 7am-5pm.Save the Date. &  V ” Annual Dra.Marcos Charles Santana Health Legacy award”, recipeint 2020, Dr.Sixto Caro.

Victor Acosta   foto.JPG

Conferencia del mes:Ahpsi,Marzo, 27, 2020, Invitado,  Nutricionista,Dietista ,Educador  en Diabetes, Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI

Ahpsi, presenta su  conferencia Mes de Marzo,  invitado , Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI, dia Viernes  de Marzo,27, 2020, Hora 7pm,  en el Vivian & Seymour Milstein Heart Center, Columbia University, del 177 forth Washington Ave,  New York, NY 10032, libre de costo.

AHPSI,Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud,  Over 30 Years of services,  invita a sus miembros , y la comunidad en general,  a nuestra Reunión conferencia  médica del mes, free, libre de costo, Viernes ,27  de Marzo,  2020, Hora 7pm, Lugar: Vivian and Seymour Milstein Heart Center, Columbia University, del 177 forth Washington Ave,  New York, NY. Room  #2. New York  Tren A Parada 168th  St,  Libre de costo.   Profesionales de la salud & nuevos miembros  welcome!!.

Invitado :Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI

Conferencia :Diabetes & advancement in technology

Breve biografia Victor Acosta,MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI:

Victor Acosta is a Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator consultant with offices in the Bronx and in Manhattan. Born in the Dominican Republic. and immigrated to the US as a teenager, he has a passion for learning and teaching. He obtained a GED (High School Equivalency Certificate). He earned a BS in Nutrition from Hunter College, a Master’s degree in Special Education from Lehman College, and a Master’s degree in School Administration from the College of New Rochelle. 

 Two of his most challenging  and rewarding experiences have been obtaining certification as a Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired where he had to demonstrate his ability to read, write and teach Braille. And, after teaching special education for three decades, he became a Certified Diabetes Educator. (There are fewer than 20,000 health professionals with similar certification in the entire nation). He has been treasurer of the American  Association of Diabetes Educators – -Lower Hudson, New York State.  

Published articles:

Clinical Cardiology, November 2017

 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/clc.22843/fullThe American Journal of Cardiology.

Volume 123, Issue 6, 15 March 2019, Pages 865-873 

When he is not providing nutrition and diabetes education workshops to the community and to health care providers, you can find him in his kitchen in Manhattan making coffee as a self-taught home barista and bread making aficionado.

You can reach him @ Vacosta51@Gmail.com  

Linkein.comVictor Acosta, MS. Ed. RD, CDE, TVI 

 Agenda del dia:

Save date Health Fair  :2020

□ March 11-14,  II ministerial Stroke Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, participantes por el Ahpsi, Dr.Carlos Williams & Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo,  open  a otros invitados.

 □  Domingo 26 de Abril, 2020, II feria annual de la salud, en Filadelfia PA,Coordinadora Dra.Lourdes Alcantara, & Ahpsi, Lugar: 3803 North 5th Street  Philadelphia, PA 19140,  Our Motto  “Decide to be Healthy”.

□ Sunday, May,  17, 2020  XV  Annual Medical Congreso, tema central: Temas  selectos en Public Health, , 7am-5pm.Save the Date. &  V ” Annual Dra.Marcos Charles Santana Health Legacy award”, recipeint 2020, Dr.Sixto Caro.

 □  Domingo 26 de Abril, 2020, II feria annual de la salud, en Filadelfia PA,Coordinadora Dra.Lourdes Alcantara, & Ahpsi, Lugar: 3803 North 5th Street  Philadelphia, PA 19140,  Our Motto  “Decide to be Healthy”.
□ Sunday, May,  17, 2020  XV  Annual Medical Congreso, tema central: Temas  selectos en Public Health, , 7am-5pm.Save the Date. &  V ” Annual Dra.Marcos Charles Santana Health Legacy award”, recipeint 2020, Dr.Sixto Caro.



Publicado Marzo,4, 2020.