Everything you need to know to present the board exams in Dentistry”,AHPSI



Dra.Aledy Moreta Abreu, Conferencista.

Haciendo click en este link usted podra ver el video “Todo lo que necesita saber para presentar los examenes del board en Odontologia” presentado por la Dra.Aledy Moreta Abreu, residente del ultimo año de odontologia de Penn University ,PA, esta conferencia fue presentada durane la celebracion del Primer syposium medico en Reading Pennsyvania, de nuestra organizacionAHPSI, el pasado Diciembre 8, 2019, esta video puede ser publicado ,o reproducido  en cualquier otra pagina web, o redes sociales,  la cual sirva para orientar a los nuevos inmigrantes  dentistas en lograr su licencia en  Estados Unidos de America,  aqui estamos a sus ordenes.

By clicking on this link you will be able to watch the video “Everything you need to know to present the board exams in Dentistry” presented by Dr. Aledy Moreta Abreu, a resident of the last year of dentistry at Penn University, PA, this conference was presented During the celebration of the First Medical Symposium in Reading Pennsylvania, of our organization AHPSI, last December 8, 2019, this video can be published, or reproduced on any other web page, or social networks, which serves to guide new dentist immigrants in obtaining your license in the United States of America, here we are at your service.

Ahpsi, Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.resti1@aol.com,  732-277-9640,

info@ahpsi.org , www.ahpsi.org 

 XV Annual international medical congress, Sunday, May  17, 2020, Time 8 am- 5pm.

Place: Vivian & Seymour  Milstein Heart center, Columbia University, 

177 Forth Washington ave, NY During this event we will be offering selected topics in  epidemiology &  public health, with the slogan “Exploring new ways to improve health in the Latino population”
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