Miembrosdel Ahpsi, usted puede copiar este formulario para registrarse y ofrecer servicios el Domingo, 21 de Junio ,del 2020, no olvidar anotar que equipos usted necesita para ese dia.
Dr.Restituyo, 732-277-9640

Aqui debajo formualrio para registracion solo para las agencias o profesionales
Dominican-American Communitarian Association Inc.
Feria de la Salud
XIX Annual Community Health Fair “Decide to Be Healthy”
Location: Dr. Herbert Richardson School
318 Stockton St, New Jersey 08861
Confirmation Form
You are invited to attend one of Middlesex County’s most invigorate Annual Community Health Fairs, “Decide to Be Healthy” with the participation of local hospitals; agencies, foundations, associations over 25 medical screening services, more than 75 community-based organizations; cultural activities; and more than 1,00participants. 19 years saving lives!!!
Date: Sunday, June 21, 2020. Time: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Dr. Aritmedes . Restituyo (732) 277-964
www.ahpsi.org/fax: 732-725-0868.
Please Complete this Form and Return by Friday, May 22 , 2020
Yes, I will attend | Health Related Services |
No, I will not attend | Mini Conference |
Need Table and ChairsNeed Electrical Outlet | Education |
Cultural Entertainment | |
Mobile services |
What are your Requirements? |
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Contact: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address & Phone/E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________________