Conferencia gratis de como enfrentar el USMLE, Viernes 31 de Enero,2020,7pm, Columbia University, NY.
Ahpsi, informar tener como invitada dentro de nuestra conferencia del mes a Dra.Ariela Valdez Holguin.la cual nos hablara de como preparar los exámenes  USMLE, y asi obtener su licencia de medico en Estados unidos de America,el Viernes 31 de Enero ,2020.,hora 7pm, gratis libre de costo.

Soy medico y quiero presentar los exámenes del USMLE:
Eres medico recien llegado a Usa, desea presentar los examenes del Usmle, y no sabe por donde comenzar, tampoco que libros estudiar, y mucho menos que curso realizar, pues le recomendamos que asista a esta conferencia, el Viernes 31 de Enero, 2020, si no puedes venir por el frio !!! y desea obtener una copia de esta conferencia gratis, solo tienes que escribirnos a : info@ahpsi.org , la idea es que si su sueño es practicar medicina en EE_UU, podria ser que con esta conferencia sea lo unico que usted necesita para empezar!! suerte.
Esta ponencia tambien estara disponible en formato digital a todo a quel el cual le interese!!

Bio Dr.Ariela Valdez Holguin.
Dr. Ariela Valdez Holguin is a foreign medical graduate from the Dominican Republic, graduated in 2016 from the Universidad Catolica, tecnologica del Cibao/ UCATECI- . At the beginning of her medical education Dr. Valdez used to work as an English teacher for children and adolescents and since then she developed a special interest for pediatrics. Also she volunteered for a couple of years in the Patronato de Veganos Unidos contra el Cancer a no-profit organization that promotes prevention and early cancer detection and also raises funds for patients that can not afford their cancer treatment.
Those who know Dr. Valdez describe her as an enthusiastic, goal-oriented and compassionate person who gets out of her way to help others.
Currently Dr. Valdez is ECFMG certified and is looking forward to get a position in a Pediatric Residency program. In the mean time, she is studying for USMLE Step 3 and visits some Pediatrics private offices in the area where she can practice her medical skills and also appreciate the appropriate interaction of the pediatricians with their patients and their families.
Ahpsi, Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.resti1@aol.com, 732-277-9640info@ahpsi.org , www.ahpsi.org
Save the date :
XV Annual international medical congress, Sunday, May 17, 2020,
Time 8 am- 5pm. Place: Vivian & Seymour Milstein Heart center, Columbia University, 177 Forth Washington ave, NY

During this event we will be offering selected topics in epidemiology & public health, with the slogan “Exploring new ways to improve health in the Latino population”
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