Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud inc NY.
Over 30 Years of service

Screenings , exámenes medicos, Civic & Community services dentro de nuestras ferias de la salud. “Decida ser saludable”.
33 Servicios diferentes a ofrecerse dentro de estas feria de la Salud, con el apoyo de nuestros Voluntarios, instituciones colaboradoras, Hospitales locales, y clinicas privadas, estaremos ofreciendo estos 33 examenes medicos diferentes.

33 Different services to be offered within these Health Fair, with the support of our Volunteers, collaborating institutions, local Hospitals, and private clinics, we will be offering these 33 different medical exams.
33 different services which we can offer at health fairs, and we can continue counting!!!!
Ahpsi : Health Fair With a Purpose !!!!!
“Decide to be Healthy”. Preliminary Services to be offered at our Community Health Fair.
Our Health Fairs were founded the Year 1992, with motto “Decide to be healthy”
1.Blood Pressure Screening. Medida Presion Arterial.
2.Blood Sugar Screening. Glucosa- Azucar
3.Cholesterol Screening. Colesterol .
4.Breast Screening,Ultrasound.or Mamagraphy This medical Service needs especial attention for your confirmation.
5.Colon Cancer – This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation.
6 Prostate. This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation.
7.Pap Smear, Papanicolau – This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation.
8.Massage- Massage para el Stress.
9.Quiropractic Clinic- Servicios de Chiropractic This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation
10.Podiatric Exam-Examen de los Pies.This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation.
11.Back Clinic- Clinica de la espalda
12.Dental Exam- Exámenes Dentales.
13.Eye Screening- exámenes de la vista. This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation.
14.Nutritional counseling – Consejeria Nutricional15.Overweight -Obesity Prevention -Prevencion Sobre peso -Obesidad
16.Psychological counseling – Consejeria Psicologica
17.Memory Screening.

18. Alcohol & Drugs Prevention-Prevencion del alcoholismo, y addicion a drogas.
19.Opium consumption Prevention.
20.Domestic violence prevention. Prevencion de Violencia Domestica.
21.Prevention of Depression- Taller prevencion de la Depresion.
22.Suicide Prevention –Prevencion de Suicidio
23.Smoking Cessation Behavioral Programa- Tecnica conductual para dejar de Fumar.
24.Prevention of fire & Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
25.CPR Demostration- Demostracion Resucitacion cardio Pulmonar, Salva Vida !!
26.Inmunization- Vacunas. This medical Service needs especial attention for yourconfirmation.
27.Mini Conferences – Mini conferencias Medicas.28.Medical Workshops- Talleres de prevencion.
29.Medical Referral/ Referimiento Medico Institucional.
30.Blood Drive- Donacion de Sangre-This medical Service needs especial attention for your confirmation.
31.Bone Marrow Donacion-Donacion de Medula Osea. This medical Service needs especial attention for your confirmation.
32.Feria de trabajo- Job fair this community Service needs especial attention for your confirmation.
33.Dominican Mobile Consulate- Consulado Mobile Dominicano.

Our organization Ahpsi, here publishes the different services and medical tests, to be offered at our Community health fairs, but not limited, in the year 2020, it is important to note that in some cities some medical tests cannot be offered.
Please check with each coordinator of each health fairs, which medical screenings, of these will be offered there in your town. Save date Health Fair :2020

□ Domingo 26 de Abril, 2020, II feria annual de la salud, en Filadelfia PA,Coordinadora Dra.Lourdes Alcantara, & Ahpsi, Lugar: 3803 North 5th Street Philadelphia, PA 19140, Our Motto “Decide to be Healthy”.
□ Sunday, May, 17, 2020 XV Annual Medical Congreso, tema central: Temas selectos en Public Health, , 7am-5pm.Save the Date. & V ” Annual Dra.Marcos Charles Santana Health Legacy award”
□ Domingo 7 June, 2020, Primera feria annual de la salud, en Passaic ,New Jersey, Coordinador Prof. Jose Vargas, & Ahpsi. Lugar High School, Passaic, New Jersey. Our Motto “Decide to be Healthy”.
□ Sunday, June 21, 2020, XIX Annual Community Health Fair de Dacanji, Lugar: Dr.Herbert Richardson School, 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, New jersey 08861, Our Motto “Decide to be Healthy”.
□ Sunday July 28, 2020, X Feria anual de la salud “Decide be healthy” Lugar: Escuela Juan Pablo Duarte & Jose Marti, 25 First St, Elizabeth , New Jersey 9am 4pm. Our Motto “Decide to be Healthy”.
Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.
732-277-9640, ,
Ahpsi, Dr.Aritmedes, ,
Articulo actualizado en Enero 13, 2020