Ahpsi, Panelists Reading, first medical Symposium , Sunday, December 8, 2019.


Ahpsi, Reading, first medical Symposium , Sunday, December 8, 2019.

Press release quienes seran nuestros invitados en este gran evento del Domingo, 8 Diciembre, 2019. ver listado debajo

Press release Ahpsi,  announces the first medical symposium celebration dedicated to vascular diseases in Reading, Pennsylvania Sunday December 8, 2019,  at I Lead Charter School,401 Penn St,Reading,Pennsylvania 19601

 Conferencistas invitados  Neurologos, cirujanos, neurocirujanos, podiatra,nutricionista, educadores,  invitados  desde New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Republica Dominicana, si usted necesita carta de invitacion a este evento puede comunicarse con nosotros,  incluyendo alojamiento.  

This conference Ahpsi, Reading ,Pennsylvania  first medical symposium,  will cover topics like Atherosclerosis, Cerebrovascular diseases, vascular dementia, Aortic aneurysms, Peripheral arterial disease, Venous thromboembolic disease, Chronic venous insufficiency, Superficial venous thrombosis, diabetic, foot,  Vascular malformations,  Vasospastic disorders ,nutrition and Vascular diseases.

Scientific coordinators, Dra. Carmen Rodriguez, Licda. Milagros de la Rosa.
Guest Panelists:

Aleyda Moreta,DDS ,Dentist board Preparation.

Dr.Hirving Henriquez, DDS

Dr.Francisco Javier Ortega Guillen, USMLEDr.

Freddy Flores. NCLEX_RN

Dra.Clara Luz Silvestre, Cardiologist.

Javier Castillo, Md,  Thoracic surgeon.

Juan de Dios de la Cruz,MD.

Ruben D.Toribio, MD  Thoracic surgeon.

Casilda Balmaceda,MD,  Neurologist.

Dra. Yarissa Duarte.     Nutritionist.

Dr.Jose de Leon,DPM,  podiatrist.

Ryna Then,MD, Neurologist Cooper Hospital. vascular neurology, director de stroke , assistant professor of neurology.   

732-277-9640. thanks!!

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What does this event include?

Welcome Reception Saturday December 7, 2019Tour of the historic city of Reading Pennsylvania.

Continental breakfast .

Coffee break


Participation certificate.

Cost $ 50

Students: $25

Who can come to this event:

More information please call :

732-277-9640, resti1@aol.com,  info@ahpsi.org