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Dra.Nina J Solenski, expondra en Punta Cana,Rep- Dom.


La Dra.Nina J.Solenski,profesora de la universidad de Virginia, Estados Unidos  de America,  es especialista en neurologia  con subespecialidad  en el manejo de los Accidentes cerebro vasculares,  pionera en el uso de la telemedicina  para manejar pacientes con accidentes cerebro vasculares, en estado de Virginia,  la Dra.Nina, esta  invita a exponer dentro del XXVIII Congreso Dominicano de Nuerologia y neurocirugia, el Viernes  4 de Octubre 2019, en la ciudad de Punta Cana,Republica Dominicana.

Sede XXVIII Congreso Dominicano de Neurologia y neurocirugia Octubre 3-6 , 2019

Tambien la Dra.Solesnki estara participando  a exponer en CECANOT,ciudad hospitalaria  de Santo Domingo distrito  nacional,  en el Hospital Pedro.E.Marchena de Bonao,  Hospital Juan Bosch  de la Vega, Hospital Morrillo King de la  Vega,  Hopsital Juan XXIII e la ciudad de Santiago, Hospital  Cabral y Baez , de Santiago,   Hospital Dr.Pedro Heredia Rojas, de Sabana Grande  de Boya, Region este de la Republica Dominicana,La Dra.Solenski, es invitada por el Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams, y la asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud ,INC NY, como parte de la continuacion del programa  de prevencion nacional de los accidentes cerebro vasculares en toda  la Republica Dominicana, el cual incluye entrenamiento del personal de salud, atencion en estapa aguda, y la prevencion, el cual se esta llevando a cabo con la organizacion  de caminatas por ciudades  la cual lleva por slogan” Caminando por su salud cerebro Vascular”

Dr. Nina J.Solenski, a professor at the University of Virginia, United States of America, is a specialist in neurology with sub specialty in the management of vascular accidents, a pioneer in the use of telemedicine to manage patients with cerebrovascular accidents, In Virginia, Dr. Nina, is our guest as a panelist within the XXVIII Dominican Congress of Nuerology and Neurosurgery, on Friday, October 4, 2019, in the city of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Also Dr. Solenski will be participating to exhibit in CECANOT, hospital city of Santo Domingo national district, in the Pedro.E. Marchena de Bonao Hospital, Juan Bosch de la Vega Hospital, Morrillo King de la Vega Hospital, Juan XXIII Hospital Santiago city, Cabral y Baez Hospital, Santiago, Dr. Pedro Heredia Rojas Hospital, Sabana Grande de Boya, Eastern Region of the Dominican Republic,Dr. Solenski, is invited by Dr. Carlos Augusto Williams, and the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals as part of the continuation of the national program for the prevention of vascular strokes throughout the Dominican Republic, which includes training for health personnel, attention in acute stage, and prevention, which is being carried out with the organization of city walks which takes the slogan “Walking for your health Vascular brain”

Dr.Nina.J Solenski, University of Virginia, invitada a la Republica Dominicana.2019

Breve biografia Dra.Nina.J Solenski


University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. Dr. Solenski is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College (Philadelphia, PA ’89). She received her residency training at Dartmouth Mary-Hitchcock in internal medicine and at University of Virginia in neurology. She completed an ACGME accredited cerebrovascular disease fellowship training program at UVA in clinical and basic research. She is currently dual APBN boarded in general and vascular neurology.Dr. Solenski has been asked to serve as a member of the STAIR (stroke therapy academic industry roundtable) committee and has participated in numerous clinical research stroke trials, many focusing on acute stroke neuroprotective therapy. As an active member of the American Academy of Neurology since 1990, she is working with other members on the stroke education committee as part of the overall stroke and vascular neurology strategic plan. Dr. Solenski served as chair of the ASA-VDH Virginia stroke task force from 2005-2007. In 2010, she was appointed co-chair of the Virginia joint commission on healthcare Virginia stroke systems task force. Through federal and UVA-MC funding, they have developed a stroke telemedicine program to provide stroke care to remote regions of the state. As a member of the VAST (Virginia Acute Stroke Telehealth) network, she has dedicated her career to serving the needs of stroke patients and their families, particularly the underserved populations of Virginia.


Primary:Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, 1989
Residency:Neurology, University of Virginia
Fellowships:Cerebrovascular Disease, University of Virginia
Please copiar esta link para ver video corto sobre la Dra.Nina J.Solenski

Ahpsi, Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo. resti1@aol.cominfo@ahpsi.org , www.ahpsi.org  Gala 30 Anniversary, September 28, 2019

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