Dominican Sunday festival XV Anniversario presenta feria anual de la salud.
Ahpsi, Asociacion hispana de profesionales,INC NY anuncia que estara participando en el XV Anual Festival de “Dominican Sunday, el Sabado 14 de Septiembre , 2019,en New York, Hora 12m-6pm, Lugar: West 108th St, entre Broadway & Amsterdam, en la cual ofreceremos nuestra acostumbrada feria de la salud dentro de este festival, ofreceremos examenes medicos, talleres, demostraciones conferencias medicas, a todo asistente que no tenga seguro medico, libre de costo. te esperamos.
Registraciones abiertas para ofrecer servicios, llamando a la Dra.Carmen Rodriguez, Coordinadora, 347-355-6502, info@ahpsi.org
Ahpsi, Hispanic Association of Professionals, INC NY announces that it will be participating in the XV Annual Festival of “Dominican Sunday, Saturday September 14, 2019, in New York, Time 12m-6pm, Place: West 108th St, between Broadway & Amsterdam , in which we will offer our customary health fair within this festival, we will offer medical exams, workshops, demonstrations, medical conferences, to all attendees who do not have medical insurance, free of cost.
Registrations open to offer services, calling Dr. Carmen Rodriguez, Coordinator, 347-355-6502, info@ahpsi.org
Mrs.Altagracia Hiraldo, Presidenta & fundadora de Dominican sunday.