Dr.Ramon Ferrand, Pediatra, expondrá con el tema ” Update on routine childhood and Adolescent immunizations” en nuestro XIV Congreso medico anual internacional ,el Domingo 19 de Mayo, 2019. Lugar: 173 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States.

Esta ponencia presentar las ultimas actualizaciones sobre las vacunas en Estados Unidos.
AHPSI,Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud Inc NY, Over 30 Years of services, invita a sus miembros ,profesionales de la salud, y la comunidad en general, a participar en nuestro XIV Congreso medico anual internacional, dedicado a topicos selectos en enfermedades del niño y adolescentes,

Domingo 19 de Mayo 2019, Hora 7am- 5pm
Lugar please note change direction of our congress, new address of our congress will be in the vivian Seymour Milstein , Family Hearte Center, excuses for the inconveniences.
Sunday, May, 19, 2019.
Vivian and Seymour Milstein Family Heart Center
173 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States.
Nuestro comite organizador del 14vo congreso medico anual internacional, tiene el honor de anunciar de tener como invitado al Dr Ramon Ferrand, Pediatra-Neonatologo, hablara sobre el tema: ” Update on routine childhood and Adolescent immunizations, crisis New York, ,estan invitados a participar, medicos,Peadiatras, enfermeras, educadores en salud, para conocer
Bio Dr.Ferrand.:
Dr. Ramon Ferrand, MD is a pediatrics specialist in Brentwood, NY and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center Health Care System and Mercy Medical Center. He graduated and received his medical degree from Universidad Autonoma De Santo Domingo, Facultad De Ciencias Medicas and specializes in pediatrics. He has been in practice for more than 20 years. He is one of 128 doctors at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center Health Care System and one of 180 at Mercy Medical Center who specialize in Pediatrics. He also speaks multiple languages, including Spanish.
Comite organizador:
Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams, Dr.Diogenes Fermin Mercedes, Dra.Cristy Massiel Alcantara, Dra.Carmen Tereza Rodriguez, Dra.Leonor Tavarez, Dra.Fatima Araujo.
732-277-9640. resti1@aol.com
Publicado Abril, 17, 2019.