Ahpsi, medical congress topics 2019

Dr,Jose Joaquin Puello.

Hispanic Health  Professionals Association  inc,NY. Over 30 Years of service.
AHPSI,Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la saludInc NY,  Over 30 Years of services,  invita a sus miembros ,profesionales de la salud, y la comunidad en general,  a  participar en nuestro XIV Congreso medico anual internacional, dedicado a topicos selectos en enfermedades  del niño y adolescentes, 

Domingo 19 de Mayo  2019, Hora 7am-  5pm 

 Lugar Russ Berrie Medical  Science Pavillion, entre 167th St, & 168th St,1150 St Nicholas, ave, New York, NY, 10032,  New York.

  XIV Annual  Multidisciplinary, International Medical Congress
Sunday, May   19,  2019.   Topics  : 

Dra.Ariela Valdez Holguin.

Foreign Health professionals how to prepare the  board exams ,USMLE,  NCLEX  & Dental board     Health Professionals , how to visualize and achieve  their goals .

Alcohol and drug use in adolescents impact Vs prevention Depression and Suicide in the Adolescent.

Medically compromised children and overlook of some uncommon syndromes and rare diseases. 

Update on routine childhood and Adolescent immunizations.  

Stroke prevention and  Recovery in Younger People

 Family functioning in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder .

 Physical  Therapy  intervention in pediatrics / Accident prevention in childhood. 

   Gut microbiome in pediatrics.

 Most frequent tumors in childhood. 

 Dr.Jose Joaquin Puello,recipient IV  annual award: “Dr. Marcos Charles  Health Legacy Award” 

Dr,Jose Joaquin Puello.

Mas detalles:  https://ahpsi.wordpress.com/2019/03/31/ahpsi-medical-congress-topics-panelists-2019/

Medical congress program.       XIV Annual  Multidisciplinary, International Medical Congress

732-277-9640, info@ahpsi.org 917-403-9220. resti1@aol.com