Press release XIV Annual International Medical CongressMore information: Dr.Fermin 917-403- 9220, Dr.Restituyo, 732-277-9640,

Our Hispanic Association of Health Professionals, Inc. proudly announces, having as guests doctors pediatricians, neurologist, gastroenterologist, neurosurgeon, Psychologist, Health Educators, within our XIV International Annual Medical Congress to be held on Sunday, May 19, 2019, At the Berrie Russ Science Pavilion, 1150 d St. Nicholas Ave, New York, take the Train: A Stop 168thSt.
Our XIV Medical Congress, 2019, is dedicated to diseases of children and adolescents, selected topics.
Within this event our association will be awarding the 4th annual prize [Dr. Marco Charles Santana, Health Legacy award [, which recognizes the contributions and dedication to their patients and the community of Dr. Charles, for more than 50 years

As always every year, our medical congress includes a panel of experts, who talk about how to prepare exams and obtain their license in areas such as medicine, nursing, Bionics, Dentistry, physical therapy, Psychology.That’s why I say that all professionals are welcome, this is the only event in the United States that includes this panel of orientation to recently arrived Latin professionals, take advantage of this space to empower yourself.

Nuestra asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud,Inc anuncia orgullosamente, tener como invitados a medicos pediatras, neurologo, gastroenterologo, neurocirujano, Psicologa, Educadores en Salud, dentro de nuestro XIV Congreso medico anual internacional a celebrarse el Domingo 19 de Mayo, 2019, en el Berrie Russ Science Pavilion, del 1150 d St.Nicholas Ave, New York, tomar el Tren A Parada 168thSt.
Nuestro XIV Congreso medico ,2019, esta dedicado a enfermedades del Niño y adolescente, topicos selectos.

Dentro de este evento nuestra asociacion estara entregando el 4to premio anual “Dr.Marcos Charles Santana, Health Legacy award”, , el cual reconoce los aportes y la dedicacion a sus pacientes y la comunidad del Dr.Charles, por mas de 50 años

Siempre como ocurre cada año nuestro congreso medico incluye a primera hora un panel de expertos, los cuales hablan como preparar examenes y obtener su licencia en area como la medicina, enfermeria, Bionalistas, Odontologia,terapia fisica,Psicologia.Por eso decimo que todos los profesionales son bienvenidos, este es el unico evento en Estados Unidos que incluye de manera permanente este panel de orientacion a profesionales Latinos recien llegados, aproveche este espacio para orientarse.
Te esperamos el Domingo, 19 de Mayo, 2019
Reserve la fecha.Our invited panelists welcome.Nuestros Panelistas invitados welcome!!!Moderadores de panel : Dr.Francisco Ortega, Dr.Osbin Alvarado, Dra.Leonor Tavarez.
Dra.Nicole de Leon.
Dra.Aleydy Moreta. DDS.
Dr.Serafin Amancio
Evelyn Amancio. Psicóloga
Carmen Lopez ,Health Educator.
Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams , Neurologist.
Dra.Ariela Valdez Holguin.
Dra.Maria Reynoso. Psychiatrist -Child & Adolescent.
Dr.Francisco Bautista Mena.
Dr.Ramon Ferrand, Pediatrician.
Luz Elena Cunha. Ecuador, Psicóloga
Dra.Carmen Rodriguez.
Dr.Jose Joaquin Puello.