Dacanji, Prostata exam, gratis, Perth Amboy


Dacanji, & Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud, inc, NY.  XVIII,Annual  Health  Fair Sunday,June 23, 2019:   estaremos ofreciendo  examenes de prostata a todo  paciente  sin seguro o con bajo recursos, dentro de esta feria,  para prevenir con tiempo el cancer de Prostata es nuestro objectivo.

Crear  conciencia en la importancia de hacerse  esta prueba son los objectivos basicos, de nuestro proyecto de feria de la salud, la cual lleva por moto “Decida ser saludable”,  Recordemos este cancer  2 veces mas frecuente  en la poblacion afro americana.

Dacanji & Ahpsi “Decide to be Healthy”, XVIII Annual Health Fair, will offer free prostate cancer screenings, blood pressure checks, Glucose, physical therapy assessments and other health-related exams , on June 23, 2019

The event will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and feature , Face Painting, entertainment, food samples, door prizes and activities for children.

Place: Dr.Herbert Richardson School, 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, New Jersey 08861.

Services for men:

Men 50 Years and older, unless  there is a family or high risk.

Men are encouraged to take advantage of the free prostate exam.   are helping raise awareness of the need for prostate screenings.  one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime and the disease is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men.

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy  among  males worldwide.

For African American men, the death rate from prostate cancer is twice as high.

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the Unitet States.

Place: Dr.Herbert Richardson School, 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, New Jersey 08861.

For more information, call Dacanji Health Fair, at  732-277-9640.

Free, open to the public

This Program  is support by The Middlesex county cancer Education and Early Detection [CEED] Program
