Central Theme 2019:  Update on childhood diseases and adolescents, with emphasis on primary care.
Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la Salud, Invita a sus miembros a registrarse en nuestro XIV Congreso medico anual internacional.en Mayo, 18-19, 2019.en el Auditorio principal del Russ Berie Science Pavilion, NY Anivel de la 168th St & St Nicholas.Temas & Invitados siga leyendo mas hacia abajo, Plase!!

Ahpsi, Hispanic Association of Health Professionals, Inc New York We announce their members, Contributors and sponsors,Open registrations to present a paper for our XIV International Annual Medical Congress, to be held on Saturday 18, and Sunday, May 19, 2019, at the Russ Berrie Medical Science Pavilion, 1150 St Nicholas Ave, New York, New York 10032
Cost $50Â
Main theme of this year 2019:
Update on childhood diseases and adolescents, with emphasis on primary care.
Our medical congress during this Year includes.
A.Welcome- Reception Welcome Cocktail- Dinner, Artistic presentation.B.Delivery 4th Annual “Dr.Marcos Charles Santana Health Legacy Award”.C.Diverse Scientific presentation in PosterD.Annual panel to validate the title of the health field , for: Physicians, Nurses, Dentists, Laboratorist, Pharmacist in the USAE. Special Recognition ceremony for distinguished Dominican pediatricians, residing in the USA
Guest Preliminar list:
Dra.Nicole de Leon. Dra.Aleydy Moreta. DDS.
Dr.Carlos Augusto Williams , Neurologist.
Dra.Maria Reynoso. Psychiatrist -Child & Adolescent
Dr.Francisco Bautista Mena. Gastroenterologist Dr.Ramon Ferrand, Pediatrician.
Dr.Luis Herrera . Pediatrician Adolescent..
Carmen Lopez ,Health Educator.
Dr.Jose Joaquin Puello. Neurosurgeon, Republica Dominicana. Dr.Federico Nunez, Director Hospital Morgan. , Ciudad Hospitalaria, Santo Domingo, Rep Dom..
Most common infections in childhood .
Immunization update. Accident prevention in childhood.Chronic diseases in childhood and Diet ,exercise,lifestyle change.Childhood seizures.Overweight & Obesity in the Child and adolescent. Most frequent tumors in childhood.
Gut microbiome in pediatrics.Depression and Suicide in the Adolescent.Updates on the latest advances in autism .Updated on sexually transmitted diseases.
Drugs adolescents use and abuse,Vs Opioids Crisis.Challenges and opportunity of using social media in Child and Adolescent.
Deadline to register your paper Friday, January 27, 2019.
More Information: info@ahpsi.org 732-277-9640, 917-403-9220.
Mas detalles haga click debajo de este Link:
ASOCIACION HISPANA DE PROFESIONALES DE LA SALUD ,INC NY.CONSEJO DIRECTIVOS AHPSI 2018-2019 Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo President, Dr.Carlos Williams, Chairman,Dr.Eliscer Guzman,President advitam, Dra.Theresa Rodriguez, past-president, Dr.Diogenes Fermin,Director ejecutivo,Dra.Leonor Tavarez, Member, Dra.Fatima Araujo. Treasurer, Dr.Ovelio Lopez, Honduras, Dr.Carlos Mancebo. Member, Dr.Cristy Massiel Acantara, Representante en la Republica Dominicana, Dr.Edison Alvarez, Ecuador. A sus ordenes para preguntas o sugerencias escribir a toda confianza a: info@ahpsi.org ,732-277-9640, 516-422-9623