Mr Fausto Cruz, Periodista ,comunicador, animador, a ser reconocido en Perth Amboy.

XVII Annual Community Health Fair “Decide to be Healthy”.
Dominican American Comunitarian Association Inc NJ & Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, anunciamos el  listado oficial de profesionales ,lideres,  empresarios, Comunicadores, a ser reconocido dentro de la XVII anual feria comunitaria de la salud,  pautada para el Domingo 24 de Junio, 2018, en la Escuela Dr.Herbert Richardson School, ubicada en el 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 en horas de la Mañana   11am.  Todos ellos en diferentes maneras y por varios años consecutivos han contribuido  al desarrollo de esta feria anual de la Salud, la cual Salva Vida,  congratulations a los recipientes del premio anual:  “Decide to be Healthy, community Award 2018″
Dr.Maralee Bisonó
Dr.Raquel Girón.
Dr.Carlos Castaños Gil
Hector  Franco, RN
Mr.Fausto Cruz 
Mr.Jose Bonilla.  
Ellos recibiran reconocimiento de la Honorable  Alcadesa  de Perth Amboy Mrs.Wilda Diaz, y de la Hon.Asambleista Ivonne Lopez, distrito 19 de Middlesex ,New Jersey,   de igual manera Dacanji los reconoce con nuestro acostumbrado premio  “Decide to be Healthy  community Award”
“Muy contento y orgullosos nos sentimos en reconocer al Periodista y comunicado Fausto Cruz, el cual desde hace variso años, atravez de sus diferentes medios de comunicacion para los cuales ha trbaajdo ha contribuido a dar a conocer nuestra feria de la salud de Perth Amboy”, expreso el Dr.Restituyo, Coordiandor de al feria de la salud de Dacanji.
Mr.Fausto Cruz.
Fausto Cruz is a recognized and distinguished journalist from the Dominican Republic. Born on October 11, 1966, in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, Rep. Dom.
His mother Dominga Cruz decided to move to Santo Domingo, Capital of the Dominican Republic when he was just 2 years old. Fausto Cruz did his primary learning in the Republic Nicaragua school;Dominican Republic, and his secondary education at the school Patria Mella in Alma Rosa 2nd Santo Domingo Rep. Dom.
When he was 16, he decided to return to the city of Santiago, Rep. Dom. and there he started his first family. Here he started working as a dishwasher, then as a waiter at the Panchitos restaurant in Santiago. At the age of 23, he began his work as a cameraman for the correspondent of the Cibao on channel 2. At the age of 25, he began his journalism and Locutor [Host ] studies at the Rene Omar Montes de Oca Institute of Journalism and Locucion . He graduated at 27 years of age and began to work as a correspondent for the Cibao Region and its 14 provinces; Under the direction of Altagracia Salazar in 1999 in CDN (News Network) until 2005.
In 2005 he assumed the responsibility of press direction of “Las Calientes del Show”, De Nelson on channel 25. In that same year as founder of SIN news he was again appointed correspondent of the Cibao Region and its 14 provinces by the presidents of SIN Fernando Hasbun and Alicia Ortega.
In 2006 he founded his own television production company, producing his own television program.


SNN (National News Service) broadcast Monday through Friday by Teleuniverso channel 29 at 3:30 in the afternoon.


Al Extremo with Fausto Cruz, transmitted on Saturdays by Teleuniverso channel 29 at 2:00 p.m.
Great variety program broadcasts Monday through Friday by Virus channel 20 at 10:00 p.m. for the Dominican Republic.
In 2010, he arrived in the United States with a work contract as press director of Telelatina. Under the presidency of Mr. Manuel Lebrón, Mr. Cruz was able to produce two television programs “Como En Casa” and “Desde New York” which broadcast by Dominican Television and is also televised here in the U.S.


When his contract with Tele-latina ended in 2012 he decided to continue with his company producing “Así Es New York” a broadcast from Dominican television which also reaches the United States on Saturdays at 5:00 p.m.
In 2015, a new project started from Monday to Friday called “The Key TV Show” that aired at 9:00 p.m. on Dominican television and also reached the United States on Sunday at 5:00 p.m by Teleuniverso channel 29 for Puerto Rico and the Dom Republic.
This latest program currently has the largest Hispanic audience in the United States, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. This program is varied with interviews, news, live artists, interaction with the community and much more.


Mr. Cruz has been in a 21-year marriage with journalist Alexandra Cruz and the two have five children together.
Mr.Fausto Cruz for several years has contributed to the promotion of our community health fair, organized by Dacanji, “Dominican American Communitarian Association Inc NJ ” in the city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
732-277-9640, 917-403-9220,

Aritmedes Restituyo.