Hector Franco,Enfermero ,abogado, activista cultural sera reconocido en Perth Amboy

XVII Annual Community Health Fair “Decide to be Healthy”.
Dominican American Comunitarian Association Inc NJ & Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, anunciamos el  listado oficial de profesionales ,lideres,  empresarios, Comunicadores, a ser reconocido dentro de la XVII anual feria comunitaria de la salud,  pautada para el Domingo 24 de Junio, 2018, en la Escuela Dr.Herbert Richardson School, ubicada en el 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861En horas de la Mañana   11am.  Todos ellos en diferentes maneras y por varios años consecutivos han contribuido  al desarrollo de esta feria anual de la Salud, la cual Salva Vida,  congratulations a los recipientes del premio anual:  “Decide to be Healthy, community Award 2018″
  • Dr.Maralee Bisonó
  • Dr.Raquel Girón.
  • Dr.Carlos Castaños Gil
  • Hector  Franco, RN
  • Mr.Fausto Cruz
  • Mr.Jose Bonilla.
Dacanji & Ahpsi,  le agradecen a Hector Franco, su aceptacion para recibir este merecido humilde  reconocimiento del 2018, luego de 4 años , con Hector  Franco nuestra feria de la salud tiene un gran profesional , decidido y dispuesto a colaborar siempre, en muchas areas diferentes,  para el buen exito de nuesto evento, congratulations !!!  Mr.Franco” expreso el Dr.Restituyo, presidente y coordinador Dacanji Feria. 2018.
Quien es Hector  Franco breve datos biograficos:
Hector Franco, was born in the Padre Fantino hospital in the city of San Fernando de Montecristi, Dominican Republic.
He graduated from Licensed Practical Nurse [LPM] and then as a Bachelor of Nursing, or Register Nurse, and then later became a Law Degree from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo [UASD], Dominican Republic.
Mr. Hector Franco is a singer, animator, event host, and co-founder of the Los Kareokeros organization in Perth Amboy.
He has won different singing contests, at a young age.
He participated in different castings in which he has won different positions of importance, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
He emigrated to USA in 1995 and since then he has worked in different health centers as a nurse and also in the media of this country on the radio and as a conductor of events such as: Master of ceremony of the health fair of the city Perth Amboy, Organized by Dacanji, Dominican American Communitarian Association, NJ Inc, medical congress of the health professionals association, Inc NY, and several other events such as: different artistic festivals in the states of Connecticut Rhode Island New York, Virginia and New Jersey host of parties that include artists such as Horóscopo de Durango, Hector Acosta (El torito), Luis Vargas the prodigy Rubby Perez, plan B etc and several festivals of voice and karaoke in several cities of the United States.
For the last 4 years, Mr.Franco has volunteered at our annual “Decide to be Healthy” health fair organized by the Dacanji organization, Dominican American Communitarian Association Inc. NJ, organized on the 3rd Sunday of June of each year, in the city of Perth. Amboy, New Jersey, Performing multiple functions from taking vital signs to perform Glucose tests, Cholesterol, Ceremony Master, Animation, Conduction of artists, various logistic work to support visiting professionals from different cities and different States, which also offer services volunteers, at our Health Fair.
Your greatest pride is being able to serve others!
732-277-9640  info@ahpsi.org    917-403-9220