Dra. Raquel Evelyn Horowitz  ,sera reconocida en Perth Amboy,NJ   

XVII Annual Community Health Fair “Decide to be Healthy”.
Dominican American Comunitarian Association Inc NJ & Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, anunciamos el  listado oficial de profesionales ,lideres,  empresarios, Comunicadores, a ser reconocido dentro de la XVII anual feria comunitaria de la salud,  pautada para el Domingo 24 de Junio, 2018, en la Escuela Dr.Herbert Richardson School, ubicada en el 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 en horas de la Mañana   11am.  Todos ellos en diferentes maneras y por varios años consecutivos han contribuido  al desarrollo de esta feria anual de la Salud, la cual Salva Vida,  congratulations a los recipientes del premio anual:  “Decide to be Healthy, community Award 2018″
Dr.Maralee Bisonó
Dr.Raquel Girón.
Dr.Carlos Castaños Gil
Hector  Franco, RN
Mr.Fausto Cruz
Mr.Jose Bonilla.  
Ellos recibiran reconocimiento de la Honorable  Alcadesa  de Perth Amboy Mrs.Wilda Diaz, y de la Hon.Asambleista Ivonne Lopez, distrito 19 de Middlesex ,New Jersy.  de igual manera Dacanji los reconoce con nuestro acostumbrado premio  “Decide to be Healthy  community Award”
La Dra.Raquel Giron, por mas de 3 años ha colaborado arduamente con nuestra feria de la Salud de Perth Amboy Dacanji, por ser un gran profesional dedicada, y desprendida en el servicio comunitario le hacemso este reconocimiento” Expreso  el Dr.Restituyo, coordinador


Biography Dra. Raquel Evelyn Horowitz     
Raquel Horowitz is a graduate of Central University of Venezuela Medical School. She trained in Occupational Medicine at the Central University of Venezuela and she holds a Master in Occupational Health, Safety and Prevention at the Caribbean International University in Curacao. She got Master in Higher Education and became Professor of Occupational Medicine at the Central University of Venezuela. She worked for 10 years in the area of ​​Occupational Health as Medical Service Coordinator, implementing policies to prevent occupational diseases in workers of large companies, and carrying out protocols for accident and injury reduction. She actively worked in health campaigns, immunizations, community education and disease prevention.
At the same time, she developed her great passion, which is Emergency Medicine, for which she belonged to the UCV Fire Department in Caracas-Venezuela for 20 years. She dedicated a big part of her life to community work within this institution, as the education of the most vulnerable and low-income communities in terms of first aid & CPR, fire prevention and disaster preparedness. During those 20 years she had the following positions: Chief of ​​Pre-Hospital Medicine, Chief of Fire Station, Training Coordinator, and finally General Commander being the 3rd woman to achieve it in 45 years of history of that institution. Due to her dedication, she was invited to work in the Capital District Fire Department and in the University Institute of Firefighters Technology as a prehospital medicine professor, educating troops and officers in Medical Emergencies, and Medical Sciences (Morpho-Physiopathology and Pharmacology). She was a basic and advanced CPR instructor for the American Heart Association and teach in the simulation laboratory of the Fire Department.
She had the opportunity to be trained from American Red Cross in Miami (1998), Texas A & M University System (2001 & 2005) in Health Systems Management / Emergency Medical Management due to Hazardous Materials, and through JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) she obtained a scholarship to study in Japan (2014) Management of Medical Services in Disaster.
In 2015 she arrives in the United States where she is involved in activities with the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals who provide her guidance and advice to validate her medical license, while allowing her to participate in academic, scientific and community activities such as health fairs, medical congresses and trainings in the medical field while she finishes to pass the revalidation exams, of which Step1 was approved recently. She currently works as Medical Scribe- Medical Assistant in a private facility affiliated with Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, serving the Hispanic and African-American community mainly. She is also a presenter and lecturer of different national and international events in the field of Emergency Medicine and Disasters. She is working as a volunteer trainer of CPR and first aid in not for profit institutions such as the Worldwide Academy Firefighter, teaching CPR to low income communities of the Bronx (NY), Reading (Pennsylvania), and in UCV Fire fighter Foundation collaborating with academic and administrative work. She also provides academic and technical coach to doctors and fire departments in Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Peru and Venezuela.
732-277-9640,  info@ahpsi.org