Dra.Maralee Bisóno a ser reconocida en Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

XVII Annual Community Health Fair “Decide to be Healthy”.
Dominican American Comunitarian Association Inc NJ & Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, anunciamos el  listado oficial de profesionales ,lideres,  empresarios, Comunicadores, a ser reconocido dentro de la XVII anual feria comunitaria de la salud,  pautada para el Domingo 24 de Junio, 2018, en la Escuela Dr.Herbert Richardson School, ubicada en el 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 en horas de la Mañana   11am.  Todos ellos en diferentes maneras y por varios años consecutivos han contribuido  al desarrollo de esta feria anual de la Salud, la cual Salva Vida,  congratulations a los recipientes del premio anual:  “Decide to be Healthy, community Award 2018″
Dr.Maralee Bisonó
Dr.Raquel Girón.
Dr.Carlos Castaños Gil
Hector  Franco, RN
Mr.Fausto Cruz
Mr.Jose Bonilla.  
Tdos ellos recibiran reconocimiento de la Honorable  Alcadesa  de Perth Amboy Mrs.Wilda Diaz, y de la Hon.Asambleista Ivonne Lopez, distrito 19 de Middlesex ,New Jersey, de igual manera Dacanji los reconoce con nuestro acostumbrado premio  “Decide to be Healthy  community Award”

Biography, Quien es Maralee Bisóno?

Dr. Maralee Bisóno Cabrera

Dr. Maralee Bisóno Cabrera was born in the Bronx, New York and raised in Brooklyn New York. At age 14 he moved to Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic where he attended Colegio Juan XXIII. Dr. Bisono always had the desire to help others from an early age. At 9 years old he knew that he wanted to be a doctor. She saw the joy of the doctor who brought her to the world when one afternoon she accompanied her mother to the doctor. He saw her and his eyes filled with tears when he saw her. I could not believe that she was the little girl of only 4 pounds that she received years ago. He told her the story of how she was born premature, had complications and was hospitalized for several weeks. Being a small Dr. Bisono thought “When I grow up I want to feel like this in my work” from that meeting born his passion for medicine. The doctor completed her medical career at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM),Santiago, Dominican Republic, and took her exams from the USMLE Step 1, Step 2CS and Step 2CK with great effort and dedication.For more than 3 years, she has been collaborating voluntarily, offering diverse medical exams, with the annual health fair “Decide to be Healthy”,  of dacanji, at Perth Amboy New Jersey.
 Today he is working as an assistant doctor and working with the community. He has aspirations to enter a residency program in Pediatrics.