Dr. Carlos Castaños Gil,Recibira reconocimiento en Perth Amboy,New Jersey.

XVII Annual Community Health Fair “Decide to be Healthy”.
Dominican American Comunitarian Association Inc NJ & Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, anunciamos el  listado oficial de profesionales ,lideres,  empresarios, Comunicadores, a ser reconocido dentro de la XVII anual feria comunitaria de la salud,  pautada para el Domingo 24 de Junio, 2018, en la Escuela Dr.Herbert Richardson School, ubicada en el 318 Stockton St, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 en horas de la Mañana   11am.  Todos ellos en diferentes maneras y por varios años consecutivos han contribuido  al desarrollo de esta feria anual de la Salud, la cual Salva Vida,  congratulations a los recipientes del premio anual:  “Decide to be Healthy, community Award 2018″
Dr.Maralee Bisonó
Dr.Raquel Girón.
Dr.Carlos Castaños Gil
Hector  Franco, RN
Mr.Fausto Cruz
Mr.Jose Bonilla.  
Ellos recibiran reconocimiento de la Honorable  Alcadesa  de Perth Amboy Mrs.Wilda Diaz, y de la Hon.Asambleista Ivonne Lopez, distrito 19 de Middlesex ,New Jersey, Estados Unidos de America,   de igual manera Dacanji los reconoce con nuestro acostumbrado premio  “Decide to be Healthy  community Award”
“El Dr.Carlos Castaños se le reconoce por sus mas de 10 años dedicado en apoyar nuestra feria de la salud de Perth Amboy New Jersey, en varios aspectos” expreso el Coordinador de la Feria Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo.
 Breve Biografia del Dr.Castaños.
Biography,  Dr.Carlos Castaños Gil.
Dr. Carlos Castaños Gil, was born in Fantino province Sanchez Ramìrez Dominican Republic, graduated as a Doctor of Medicine at the Catholic University of Cibao, Ucateci, La Vega Dominican Republic, studied English as a second language at Middlesex College, New Jersey, received training in Chronic disease management endorsed by Stanford University, also through the American Association of Nutrition has been certified in Clinical Nutrition, Graduated  certificate as Mastering skills in clinical research Associate & Clinical Research Clinical, through Disla Institute, for over 10 years has collaborated offering diverse medical services with the Dacanji  Community health fair in Perth Amboy,”Decide to be Healthy”,  as well as in Elizabeth, Newark and in Linden, New Jersey.
Currently Dr. Castaños has his own practice dedicated to clinical nutrition, in the city of Perth Amboy New Jersey.
Dr. Castaños, is an active member of several professional organizations including the Hispanic Health Professionals Association, Inc. NY, Past[AHPSI], Past- President in New Jersey of the Dominican Medical Association, Delaware Valley Branch, Dominican Medical Doctors Cooperative, is currently the President of this institution.
Dr. Castaños Gil, is a singer and author, was a teacher of Ballet Florklorico, in the specialty of Dominican native dances, in the Sanchez Ramirez province of the Dominican Republic, as a singer he has won several festivals of the Voice in the Dominican Republic, & New Jersey, and Los Angeles, USA.
Dr. Carlos Castaños Gil, has been a martial arts teacher TaeKwondo, has been national selection of the Dominican Republic in Volleyball, table tennis, and Chess, in Fantino hometown, Sanchez Ramirez Province, Dominican Republic.
His work in the community has been recognized by the Trenton City Council, the  Dominican Parade and Festival, of Newark, New Jersey and the Dominican Parade and Festival of  Union , Elizabeth, New Jersey.
His great satisfaction as a doctor and artist is to serve the community, especially those who need it most.
Thank you.


Aritmedes Restituyo.