XIII Congreso medico anual, presenta: “Links between Rheumatoid arthritis and Diabetes”.

Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, Orgullosamente anunciamos tener como  invitado al Dr.Walid Michelen, Internista Reumatologo, el cual  disertar con el tema:” Links between Rheumatoid arthritis and Diabetes”, conozca de primera  mano la relacion entre Diabetes y  Artritis Reumatoidea,  Dia Domingo, 20 de Mayo, 2018, Lugar: Russ Berrie Science Pavilion, 1150 St. Nicholas Ave, NY, NY 10033.
 Dr.Walid Michelen.  Breve Bio
Currently Dr.Walid Michelen works for archcare, as Svp  Clinical  planning & Innovations chief  medical officer , in New York
Walid Michelen migrated with his family from the Dominican Republic when he was 11 years old. He attended Fordham Preparatory High School and Lehmann College where he received his B.A. in Political Science. He obtained his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. He trained in primary care internal medicine at Montefiore Hospital’s Residency Program in Social Medicine and completed a fellowship in Rheumatology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Since then he has held a number of positions including Director of Residency Training in Internal Medicine at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Medical Director of North Central Bronx Hospital, Senior Vice-President for the South Manhattan Health Network, which includes Bellevue Hospital, Executive Director of Metro Plus Health Plan, Chief Medical Officer for the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), Vice-President of Community Health at New York Presbyterian Hospital and the Chief of Staff and Director of Business Development and Grants for HHC’s Generations Plus/Northern Manhattan Health Network, which is comprised of Harlem, and Lincoln hospitals as well as the Segundo Ruiz Belvis, Morrisania Diagnostic and Treatment Centers and the Renaissance Healthcare Network. He is currently the CEO/CMO of HHC’s Gotham Health. Gotham Health has over 140,000 patients and more than 700,000 visits a year. It is the largest health center in New York State and one of the largest in the country.
Ahpsi, Asociacion Hispana de  Profesionales de la salud Recordatorio:  XIII Congreso medico anual internacional a celebrarse el Domingo, 20 de Mayo, 2018, Hora 8am  dedicado la Diabetes, Lugar: Russ Berrie  Sicence Pavilion, 1150 St Nicholas Ave, esquina 168th St, Parqueo disponible en la 165th St.Nicholas, NY,  NY,  en la primera hora estaremos presentando un panel “Como preparar sus examenes & Que hacer con su titulo”  Enfermeras, Medicos, Odontologos,  son bienvenido do para conocer detalles de primera mano en como preparar estos examenes del boar, podria ser que este panel sea lo unico que usted necesita para arracar, suerte !!
   te esperamos el Domingo, 20 de Mayo, 2018.
AHPSI, Medical Congress Presenta La medula osea envejece tambien:
Quien es Rafael Diaz:


Quien  es la Dra.Frances Robles:

917-403-9220, 732-277-9640, resti1@aol.com 

Aritmedes Restituyo.