Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la salud, en nuestro XIII congreso medico anual internacional le ofrece la bienvenida a nuestros distinguidos profesionales invitados a exponer el Domingo, 20, de Mayo, 2018, Hora 8am, el Russ Berrie Science pavilion, 1150 St Nicholas ave, New York,Ny abierto a profesionales de la Salud, Medicos ,Nutricionistas, Internistas, endocrinologos, Enfermeras. 732-277-9640, 917-403-9220.
Breve Biografia de la Dra.Angelina
Dra. Angelina Adames,DDS, She is a Dominican foreign trained dentist, graduated from the Universidad Iberoamérica -UNIBE- in 2006. I am a graduate from Columbia University, College of Dental Medicine where I completed a 3 years of AEGD – Advance Education in General Dentistry-. While in her residency I was a chief resident. I have been accepted to a GPR -General Practice Residency – in Haverstraw , NY in the Helen Hayes Hospital. In this Residency Program is very know for being heavy in treat patients with special needs. The program will be start in July 2nd this year. I am looking forward to become a Pediatric Dentist. I hold a NYS and Florida State dental license. I am currently working with Big Smiles NY a Public School base dental program. I am a highly motivated, goal-oriented professional of lively personality and creativity. I am diligent and enthusiastic. I am a newly mom of a 3 years old baby boy who inspires me to be a better human being every day. In my free time I love to spend time with my son, my family and friends. Also I love to play my violoncello.
Profesora Invitada: Dra.Aledy
La Dra.Moreta es graduada de Doctora en Odontologia, magna cum laude de la universidad autonoma de Santo Domingo [UASD], realizo estudio de Implatologia en Espana,y Odontologia Pediatrica en la universidad de Cataluya Espana, fue aceptada para realizar residencia de Odontologia, en Penn University , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[Esta en su primer Año, de residencia como dentista.
Dr.Leonardo Paula Cabrera.
Dr.Paula graduated from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), also a co-founder of the Dominican Medical Association, in which he has helped develop preparation program for foreign medical doctors to pass the exam “USMLE”. He has obtained various certification in the area of health. He had also created drug prevention program and education and health programs.
Dr. Paula has extensive experience as an Health educator ranging from the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to a Cultural Organization Community in which he contributed to help created prevention and education programs to prevent drug consumption in young people.
In New York, Dr.Paula, who has continued his work as a Health educator, has worked in several non-profit organizations such as Neighborhood Youth, Family Services, and Village Care.
He currently works as health coordinator for Hudson Heights IPA. Which is an organization of independent doctors, located in New York.
His work has be widely recognized well known organizations such as, the Dominican Medical Association of New York, the National Hispanic Medical Association, Lions Club, Columbia University, Instituto Duartiano and 7th Adventist Church.
For our organization AHPSI [ Hispanic Health Professionals Association, Inc NY], Dr.Leonardo Paula Cabrera has been a symbol of dedication and permanent service for our professionals in the field of health in New York, immigrants from of health in New York, to obtain better conditions preparation and training which allows the professional to compete for better jobs.
Corina Baez, Nutricionista, egresada de la univarsidad de Nebrija, Espana, fundadora de Cbsnutrition,LLC,
Actualmente labora para el center for adult medicine & preventive care,como consejra en dieta y nutricion en pacientes afectados de enfermedades cronicas, padeciendo de sobrepeso y obesidad.
Corina Baez – nace en Republica dominicana , durante toda una vida lucho contra el sobrepeso , siendo practicante de las mil y unas dietas , cuando decide ir al doctor , se dan cuenta que por factores genéticos tiene tres enfermedades con predisposición al aumento de peso hipotiroidismo , síndrome de ovario poliquisticos y pre diabetes , donde la buena alimentación era el tratamiento mas eficaz para las mismas ,decide ingresar a la carrera de medicina en republica dominicana , y luego de una tesis en un hospital conocido en santo domingo con una eminencia nutricionista clinico , se apasiona y decide dar toda su vida dedicada a la nutrición, por medio de la universidad nebrija en España ,se certifica en el area de nutrición , llega al país de estados unidos entrando a un internship en la empresa sin fines de lucros, cook for your life – donde dedican todos los fondos a enseñar alimentar a las personas con cancer y quimioterapias a alimentarse saludable con recetas ,artículos y dietas neutropenias acompañado de los famosos superfoods , luego se dedico a trabajar junto a una ginecóloga llevando a sus pacientes a obtener una alimentación saludable , para lograr los distintos tipos de objetivos ,crea su propia empresa en el estado de new jersey, bajo el nombre de cbsnutritionLLC , actualmente dedica su carrera al seguimiento de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas( como diabetes , tiroides , hipertension , cancer entre otras , y cursando un master homologo en nutrición avanzada .donde a logrado llevar a todos los pacientes a dejar los estereotipos y cumplir con su propia frase “la salud emocional y fisiológica es la respuesta de la buena nutrición , no a dietas inútiles ”
Dr.Juan Pablo Collado, DDS
Doctor Juan Pablo Collado, was born on October 18, 1958 in Juan Santiago, Dominican Republic. Doctor Collado began his studies at “ 19 de Marzo”, a school in Santiago and later then continued his studies at the central evangelical school located in Santo Domingo. In 1977, he entered the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo UASD; In 1988 he graduated from UASD and obtained a doctorate in dentistry. Upon graduation, Dr. Collado moved to New York in 1990 to attend New York University to study dental surgery. Dr. Collado completed this track by 1994 and in the same year he added a specialty in dental implants. In 2010 he was accepted into Columbia University where he studied another specialty in dental aesthetics. In 2011 he entered a Korean institute to further his studied in implants; At this institute he underwent a training in surgery of the maxillary sinus and dental bone grafts. All in all, Dr. Collado has completed multiple studies in different branches of dentistry all over the world while aggregating many specialties and certifications along the way. Dr. Juan Collado’s goal is to continue his preparation and studies for the benefit of his practice, his patients; but most importantly to give back to the Latino and Dominican community which he has served for 30 years. Today, Dr. Collado is an active member of the Association of Graduates of the University of Columbia, the Dominican Dental Association of New York, and of the Dominican Dental Association of the Dominican Republic.
Dr.Eliscer Guzman.
Graduado Doctor en medicina Universidad Pedro Henriquez Ureña,Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana.
Fundador y primer presidente del Ahpsi en el año, 1989.
Declarado en el 2016, President Ad vitam del ahpsi.
Realizo entrenamiento de Medicina interna & Cardiologa nel Hospital Bronx Lebanon, del Bronx, New York
Certificaciones y Posiciones Obtenidas por el Dr.Eliscer Guzman:
After arriving in the United States, Dr.Guzman became a Board Certified internal medicine & Cardiology , a Deputy Inspector and Captain of the New York City Police Department, Chief of Cardiology of Woodhull Hospital, Assistant Clinical Professor of the State University of New York, on staff of Columbia Presbyterian, and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He is a great role model for young and old.
the Dr.Guzman is the main shareholder of the Dominican medical center,in New York, NY, and with 7 separate private practices in New York, & Bronx,and Queens Also Cardiology Unlimited PC ,President.
Productor de Radio y Television,por mas de 25 años, entre otros: Telemundo, Univision Radio, “El Corazón de la Medicina” Telemicro internacional
Dr.Eliscer Guzman, Breve Historia.
Otras noticias del Dr.Eliscer Guzman:
Dr.Javier Castillo:
Dr.Javier Castillo, es graduado de Doctor en medicina, de la universidad Rovira I Virgili,
en Tarragona, España,realizo residencia de cirugia Toracica, en Mount Sinai, el Dr.Castillo tambien es Assistant Professor ,Cardiovascular Surgery, Mountt Sinai Hospital, New York.
El Dr.Castillo, Experto en reemplazo de la valvula mitral , director Surgical Director, Hispanic Heart Center Departamento de Cirugía Cardiovascular,The Mount Sinai Hospital,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai., autor invitado de los reconocidos libros de texto de cirugia, junto con el Dr. David Adams, ha escrito cada uno de los capítulos sobre cirugía mitral en libros de texto líderes como Hurst’s the Heart.
Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Sabiston & Spencer Surgery of the Chest, Cardiac Surgery
in the Adult, o Mastery in Cardiothoracic Surgery.
El Dr. Castillo es Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad Rovira I Virgili,
en Tarragona, España. Tras su graduación, fue reclutado por Mayo Clinic como
colaborador internacional. Posteriormente, decidió seguir su labor de investigación
en el Departamento de Cirugía Cardiotorácica de The Mount Sinai Hospital. Tras dos
años como analista de resultados clínicos y dos años más de investigación sobre
enfermedad mitral, el Dr. Castillo fue el primer residente del programa integrado
de cirugía cardiotorácica, siendo jefe de residentes en su último año de formación.
Actualmente es cirujano adjunto del Departamento de Cirugía Cardiovascular y
director quirúrgico del Hispanic Heart Center.
Como investigador, el Dr. Castillo desarrolló una base de datos de más de 15000
pacientes, así como una de las primeras bases de datos sobre cirugía mitral avanzada
de los Estados Unidos. Es autor o coautor de más de 100 artículos científicos en las
revistas cardiológicas de mayor impacto, y ha sido autor de más de 30 obras sobre
cardiología y cirugía cardiovascular. Junto al Dr. David Adams, ha escrito cada uno de
los capítulos sobre cirugía mitral en libros de texto líderes como Hurst’s the Heart,
Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Sabiston & Spencer Surgery of the Chest, Cardiac Surgery
in the Adult, o Mastery in Cardiothoracic Surgery. Como conferenciante, el Dr. Castillo
se ha ganado un sitio como ponente internacional en la comunidad cardiológica, y su
presencia es cada vez más demandada por las sociedades científicas, particularmente
en aquellos países de habla hispana. Además, desarrolla una labor académica como
profesor asociado en varias universidades de España y América Latina.
Dra. Jacqueline Diaz Rodriguez
La Dra. Jacqueline Diaz Rodriguez. Es médico graduada de la Facultad Ciencias Médicas en la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo UASD en el año 1992. Realizo especialidad en Medicina interna y endocrinología en el hospital Salvador B. Gautier en Santo Domingo, RD. Actualmente es maestra de la Catedra de Fisiopatologia en la Universidad Unibe desde el 2003. Profesora honorifica de la Residencia Nacional de Endocrinología y Nutrición; Hospital Salvador B Gautier (H S B G); Santo Domingo; R.D. Ejerce como Médico Internista – Endocrinólogo- Nutriólogo Clínica Independencia.
Dr.Marcos Charles Santana.
Graduado como doctor en medicina cum laude, de la universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo.
Relaizo entrenamiento de medicina interna, Ginecologia, & Hematologoa en el Hospital Linconln, Bronx, New York.
Profesor emerito Universidad Albert Einstein College.
Profesor meritisimo Universidad autonoma de Santo Domingo, UASD, Republica Dominicana.
El ahpsi, establecio un premio anual el cuallleva su nombre, el cual honra su legado como medico , en el año 2016 premio”Dr.Marcos Charles Health legacy award”.
Dr.Marcos Charles Santana aportes, de más de 54 años, de ejercicio de la medicina, en nuestra comunidad, en New york, en el área de la medicina, y servicios Comunitarios, del Dr.Marcos Charles,reconoce su dedicación a la docencia, por 47 años, atravez de la Universidad Albert Eisnten College, Bronx, New York, el cual le permitio, a que más de 400 medicos, Latinos, y de otras, nacionalidades, ingresarán a programa de residencias medica, en diversos hospitales, de New york, como el Hospital Linconl, Bronx Lebanon, Hospital, Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center,Bronx, NY y reconoce su aporte , como ,co-fundador de varias instituciones, entre ellas “Hostos community college”, el instituto de estudios Dominicanos, de City college, of Cunny,New York, co-fundador también de la primera asociación de médicos Dominicanos, en el exterior,have 40 años. El Dr.Charles, ha publicado cientos de trabajos cientificos en tema relaciondo a su especialidad de la Hematologia.
Frances E. Robles-Pena, M.D.; F.A.C.G.
Born in the Dominican Republic, raised in New York City, NY. She is a graduate of Nursing, from Felician College, in Lodi, NJ. Followed by a degree in Biology, from Rutgers University in New Jersey. She graduated with Honors as a Medical Doctor from the Universidad Central del Este, Dominican Republic.
Dr. Robles-Pena started off her Medical Career as Intensive Care Unit Registered Nurse at St. James’ Hospital in Newark, NJ. After graduating as an M.D., she joined Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, NY as an Internal Medicine Resident. She was President of the Resident Physicians Association. After completing Internal Medicine Residency, she remained as a Chief Resident of Internal Medicine. Afterwards becoming House Physician Coordinator, Fulton Division. She then went on to become a Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellow.
Throughout her fellowship in Gastroenterology at Bronx Lebanon, she presented a Case on Hepatic Artery Pseudo-aneurysm at the American College of Gastroenterology, Fellows Forum and New York Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Amongst her original works, she participated in a study conceived, produced and supervised by Dr. Marcos Charles – Ferritin as a serum marker of disseminated Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare as a marker for AIDS.
She has had the honor of being President, and Vice-President prior to that, of the Sociedad Medica Dominicana. Amidst her appointments are the positions of Executive Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of The Committee of Interns and Residents. She is a member of:
American College of Gastroenterology
American Gastroenterology Association
New York Endoscopic Society
American College of Physicians
Florida Society of Gastroenterology
She is currently in Private Practice of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, specializing in Eating Disorders, Hepatitis, and Colorectal Screening in Miami, FL. She is presently affiliated with South Miami Hospital, Baptist Hospital of Miami, Jackson South Hospital, and Homestead Hospital (where she holds the position of Quality Assurance Physician.) She is actively an Associate Professor at NOVA University, Gastroenterology Fellowship Division.
Walid Michelen, MD
Currently Dr.Walid Michelen works for archcare, as Svp Clinical planning & Innovations chief medical officer , in New York.
Walid Michelen migrated with his family from the Dominican Republic when he was 11 years old. He attended Fordham Preparatory High School and Lehmann College where he received his B.A. in Political Science. He obtained his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. He trained in primary care internal medicine at Montefiore Hospital’s Residency Program in Social Medicine and completed a fellowship in Rheumatology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Since then he has held a number of positions including Director of Residency Training in Internal Medicine at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Medical Director of North Central Bronx Hospital, Senior Vice-President for the South Manhattan Health Network, which includes Bellevue Hospital, Executive Director of Metro Plus Health Plan, Chief Medical Officer for the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), Vice-President of Community Health at New York Presbyterian Hospital and the Chief of Staff and Director of Business Development and Grants for HHC’s Generations Plus/Northern Manhattan Health Network, which is comprised of Harlem, and Lincoln hospitals as well as the Segundo Ruiz Belvis, Morrisania Diagnostic and Treatment Centers and the Renaissance Healthcare Network. He is currently the CEO/CMO of HHC’s Gotham Health. Gotham Health has over 140,000 patients and more than 700,000 visits a year. It is the largest health center in New York State and one of the largest in the country.
In his spare time Dr. Michelen participates in a number of community activities. He was the Chair of the Board of Directors for Alianza Domincana, the largest community-based organization serving Dominicans in the United States. He currently serves as the Chair of the Nasry Michelen Daycare Center. In addition he is a board member and Treasurer of Latinos for National Health Insurance and is a board member of the US Branch of the Escuelas de Las Americas de Medicine, located in Cuba.