“Brain Storming , As Life Goes on”, Libro Dr.Carlos Williams

dr.Williams, foto
Nuevo Libro Dr.Carlos Williams.
El Dr.Carlos A.  Wiliams ,Medico Neurologo,  co-Fundador de la Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la salud, Durante esta semana, acaba de publicar su primer libro titulado “Brain Storming ,  As Life Goes on”, disponible en Amazon, Kindle,  tambien estara  a la venta durante el XI Congreso medico annual internacional,  a celebrarse el Domingo, 22 de Mayo, 2016, Hospital Linconl, Bronx, NY.
Dr.Williams, Books
Breve resumen, del Libro:  “Brain Storming ,  As Life Goes on”,

The privilege of my existence has been encountering a large number of extraordinary ordinary people that either voluntarily or not, have taught me about life, moral, intellectual, religious and philosophical values of human kind.

Perhaps I was hunger for learning because I do not mind the age, race or color of anyone willing to teach me, or pass on to me any or all things they could, because it would be up to me to be able to triage what I should keep and apply, or reject and forget.

As a human, I do not reject another human until they prove to be less than willing to contribute to the rest of society, and or themselves. No one will agree with every one else all the time, and some times we disagree in every thing, but in my mind every one could agree to disagree and respect each other.

Dr.Carlos A.  Williams. 

 Chairman  de la  Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la Salud, Inc NY.

Dr.Carlos Williams, Graduado de Doctor en Medicina Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, [UASD], Republica Dominicana,36 Años, de experiencia en Medicina interna y Neurologia General..

Realizo residencia medica en Neurologia en el Hospital,Solpetriere,  Paris University Hospital,France ,

Entrenamiento en Medicina interna en Washighton  DC, Tambien realizo entrenamiento en Neurologia en  MCV Hospitals and Physicians of Virginia  Commonwealth University Health Systems, Richmond, Virginia, el Dr.Williams es Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, MCV Hospitals and  Physicians of Virginia Commonwealth University Health Sys  Richmond, Virginia., es un experto en Cuidado  intensivos neurologicos, y en Prevencion de Stroke, ha  dictado  decenas de conferencia y cursos  relacionado a la prevencion de stroke,& Enfermedades neurologicas,  en varios estados,y paises  entre otros, Canada, Francia,Cuba, Republica Dominicana.

Autor  del Libro :  “Brain Storming ,  As Life Goes on”  ,March, 2016.



