Home Ferias de Salud Health Fair, National Health Observances

Health Fair, National Health Observances


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732-277-9640, info@ahpsi.org

Cómo organizar una Feria Comunitaria de Salud en Estados Unidos?
Autor:Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo, Asesor de Ferias Comunitarias de la Salud en Estados Unidos
Se acerca la temporada de  las ferias de la salud, en las proximas semans, es clave para su planificacion, en este articulo , le ofrezco consejos para usar literatura, CD, Videos, aplicado  a prevenir enfermedades , Usando “National Health Observances.
Reglas de Oro al organizar su propia Feria de la Salud: 
Dias observacion nacional, que es?
Que es National Health Observances [NHO]?
National Health Observances (NHOs) are special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics.
Son dias especiales, Semanas, o Meses dedicado a elevar  la conciencia en la prevencion & Educcacion acerca de un topico especifico de salud, Ya sea enfermedad u Condicion.
 Existen  varios temas, de salud desde lo mas frecuentes hasta  los mas raros ,o poco frecuente.
Por ejemplo:  Cervical Health Awareness Month, Mes de  la
Le recomendamos a los coordinadores de salud, incluir con anticipacion, en su agenda, usar los difrerentes, meses u observacion   nacional de salud,  de interes para su feria comunitaria, el cual usted le interese distirubuir,   esto incluye, Folletos, Flyer, CD, Guias y Manuales.
Nuestra recomedacion es que usted seleccione cuales materiales son prioritarios, para que  el publico asistente a la  feria, pueda leerlo, y llevarselo a la casa.
Nota gran parte de estos materiales, son gratis,  otros  materiales ameritan un pequeño  pago.
OJO !!  Cuidado, con repartir estos materiales,   la gran mayoria, lo votan, siempre aconsejamos, que nuestros voluntarios, lo leean, y estudien, para poder motivar , su lectura , y seguimiento en la casa.

January Health Holidays

January Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Celebration of Life Month
  • Cervical Health Awareness Month
  • Eye Care Month
  • Family Fit Lifestyle Month
  • International Quality of Life Month
  • March of Dimes Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Awareness Month
  • National Blood Donor Month
  • National Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • National Physiotherapy Month
  • National Radon Action Month
  • National Staying Healthy Month
  • National Volunteer Blood Donor Month
  • Self-Help Group Awareness Month
  • Self-Love Month
  • Shape Up US Month
  • Thyroid Disease Awareness Month
  • Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month

January 2016 Weekly Holidays and Observances: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Celebration of Life Week – January 1-7
  • Diet Resolution Week – January 1-7
  • Healthy Weight Week – January 18-22, 2016
  • National Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Week – January 24-30, 2016
  • National Folic Acid Awareness Week – January 3-9, 2016 (Second Week of January)

January 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • National Weigh-In Day – January 4, 2016 (First Monday after New Years)
  • National Take the Stairs Day – January 9
  • National Pharmacist Day – January 12
  • National Sanctity of Human Life Day – January 18
  • Rid the World of Fad Diets & Gimmicks Day – January 19, 2016 (the Tuesday of the Third Full Week of January)
  • Women’s Healthy Weight Day – January 21, 2016 (the Thursday of the Third Full Week of January)
  • World Leprosy Day – January 30

February Health Holidays

February Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • AMD / Low Vision Awareness Month
  • American Heart Month
  • International Boost Self Esteem Month
  • International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
  • Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Marijuana Awareness Month
  • National Cancer Prevention Month
  • National Care About Your Indoor Air Month
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month
  • National Condom Month
  • National Heart Healthy Month
  • National Senior Independence Month
  • National Therapeutic Recreation Month
  • National Wise Health Consumer Month
  • Relationship Wellness Month
  • Spunky Old Broads Month
  • Wise Health Consumer Month

February 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • African Heritage & Health Week – February 1-7
  • Burn Awareness Week – February 1-7, 2016
  • Children of Alcoholics Week – February 7-13, 2016 (Second Full Week)
  • Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week – February 7-14
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week – February 13-19
  • National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week – February 14-20, 2016 (Second Week of February)
  • National Condom Week – February 14-21
  • National Eating Disorders Awareness Week – February 21 – 27, 2016  (Fourth Week in February)
  • National Patient Recognition Week – February 1-7, 2016 (First Week of February)
  • NCCDP Alzheimer’s & Dementia Staff Education Week – February 14-21
  • Women’s Heart Week – February 1-7

February 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • National Wear Red Day – February 1
  • Rheumatoid Awareness Day – February 2
  • World Cancer Day – February 4
  • National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – February 7
  • National Stop Bullying Day – February 9
  • National Toothache Day – February 9
  • World Day of the Sick – February 11
  • Autism Sunday – also known as International Day of Prayer for Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome – February 14, 2016 (Second Sunday in February)
  • National Condom Awareness Day – February 14
  • National Donor Day – February 14
  • International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day – February 15
  • Rare Disease Day – February 29, 2016 (Last Day of February)

March Health Holidays

March Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • American Diabetes Alert Month
  • American Red Cross Month
  • Brain Injury Awareness Month
  • Colic Awareness Month
  • Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
  • Deaf History Month (March 13 – April 15)
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month
  • Endometriosis Month
  • Hemophilia Month
  • Malignant Hyperthermia Awareness and Training Month
  • National Athletic Trainers Month
  • National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month
  • National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month
  • National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
  • National Endometriosis Awareness Month
  • National Essential Tremor Awareness Month
  • National Eye Donor Month
  • National Kidney Month
  • National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Poison Prevention Awareness Month
  • National Professional Social Worker’s Month
  • Red Cross Month
  • Rosacea Awareness Month
  • Save Your Vision Month
  • Workplace Eye Healthy and Safety Awareness Month

March 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Brain Awareness Week – March 14-20, 2016
  • Endometriosis Awareness Week – March 3-9, 2016
  • Health Information Professionals Week – March 20-26, 2016
  • National Aplastic Anemia & MDS Awareness Week – March 1-7, 2015
  • National Inhalants and Poisons Awareness Week – March 20-26, 2016 (Third Week of March)
  • National Poison Prevention Week – March 20-26, 2016 (Third Full Week of March)
  • National PTA Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week – March 6-12, 2016
  • National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week – March 13-19, 2016 (Third Week of March)
  • National Schools Social Work Week – March 6-12, 2016 (First Full Week of March)
  • National Sleep Awareness Week – March 6-12, 2016 (Week before daylight savings time)
  • Patient Safety Awareness Week – March 13-19, 2016
  • Root Canal Awareness Week – March 27 – April 2, 2016
  • Save Your Vision Week – March 6-12, 2016

March 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • Endometriosis Awareness Day – March 1
  • Self Injury Awareness Day – March 1
  • Dress in Blue Day – March 4, 2016 (First Friday in March) (Set up in 2009 by The Colon Cancer Alliance to bring National awareness to Colon Cancer)
  • National Multiple Personality Day – March 5
  • Dentist Day – March 6
  • Registered Dietitian Day – March 9, 2016 (Second Wednesday in March)
  • National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – March 10
  • National Napping Day – March 14, 2016 (Monday after Daylight Savings Starts)
  • Kick Butts Day – March 16, 2016  (Third Wednesday in March) (Cigarette Butts that is!)
  • Goddess of Fertility Day – March 18
  • Brain Injury Awareness Day – March 21
  • Well-Elderly or Wellderly Day – March 21, 2016 (Third Monday in March)
  • World Down Syndrome Day – March 21
  • American Diabetes Association Alert Day – March 22, 2016 (Fourth Tuesday in March)
  • As Young As You Feel Day – March 22
  • National Water Day – March 22
  • World Water Day – March 22
  • World Tuberculosis Day – March 24
  • National Cerebral Palsy Day – March 25
  • Purple Day – (Supporting Epilepsy Around the World) – March 26
  • National Doctors Day – March 30

April Health Holidays

April Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Deaf History Month (March 13 – April 15)
  • Alcohol Awareness Month
  • Cancer Control Month
  • Cesarean Awareness Month
  • Counseling Awareness Month
  • Defeat Diabetes Month
  • Emotional Overeating Awareness Month (See Kerry’s get section on Emotional Eating on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • Genocide and Human Rights Awareness Month
  • Global Child Nutrition Month
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month
  • National African American Women’s Fitness Month
  • National Anxiety Month
  • National Autism Awareness Month
  • National Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • National Donate Life Month
  • National Minority Health Month
  • National Multiple Birth Awareness Month
  • National Occupational Therapy Month
  • National Parkinson’s Awareness Month
  • National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month
  • National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
  • National Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)’s Education and Awareness Month
  • National Sjogren’s Syndrome Awareness Month
  • National Youth Sports Safety Month
  • Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month
  • Physical Wellness Month
  • Rosacea Awareness Month
  • Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month
  • STI Awareness Month (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Stress Awareness Month
  • Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
  • Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month
  • Worldwide Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month

April 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Air Quality Awareness Week – April 24-30, 2016 (Last Week in April)
  • Medical Laboratory Professionals Week – April 24-30, 2016 (Third Full Week of April)
  • Medication Safety Week – April 1-7
  • National Crime Victims’ Rights Week – April 24-30, 2016
  • National Infants Immunization Week – April 16-23, 2016 (Fourth Week of April)
  • National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week – April 24-30, 2016  (Last Full Week of April)
  • National Minority Cancer Awareness Week – April 5-11, 2015 (2016 – TBA)
  • National Organ & Tissue Donor Awareness Week – April 19-25, 2015   (Last Week of April)
  • National Osteopathic Medicine Week – April 17-23, 2016
  • National Playground Safety Week – April 25-29, 2016
  • National Public Health Week – April 3-9, 2016
  • National Youth Violence Prevention Week – April 4-8, 2016
  • Testicular Cancer Awareness Week – April 1-7
  • World Immunization Week – April 24-30

April 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • Hospital Admitting Clerks Day – April 1, 2016 (First Friday in April)
  • World Autism Awareness Day – April 2 (Check out Kerry’s Pregnancy and Autism section on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • National D.A.R.E. Day – April 4
  • Victims of Violence Holy Day – April 4
  • Vitamin C Day – April 4
  • National Alcohol Screening Day – April 5
  • World Health Day – April 7
  • Baby Massage Day – April 9, 2016 (Second Saturday in April)
  • Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse – April 10, 2016
  • World Parkinson’s Disease Day – April 11
  • Children with Alopecia Day – April 14
  • Blue & Green Day – April 15, 2016 (Third Friday in April except Good Friday)
  • Healthcare Decisions Day – April 16
  • Stress Awareness Day – April 16
  • Healthy Kids Day – April 17 (Check out Kerry’s Healthy Kids section on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • World Hemophilia Day – April 17
  • Adult Autism Day – April 18
  • Mother, Father Deaf Day – April 24, 2016 (Last Sunday in April)
  • World Meningitis Day – April 24
  • DNA Day – April 25
  • Malaria Awareness Day – April 25
  • World Malaria Day – April 25
  • World Day for Safety and Health at Work – April 28
  • World Healing Day – April 30, 2016 (Last Saturday in April)
  • World Tai Chi & Qigong Day – April 30, 2016 (Last Saturday in April)

May Health Holidays

May Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Arthritis Awareness Month
  • Awareness of Medical Orphans Month
  • Better Hearing and Speech Month
  • Better Sleep Month
  • Breath Easy Month
  • Correct Posture Month
  • Digestive Diseases Awareness Month
  • Employee Health & Fitness Month
  • Family Wellness Month
  • Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
  • Global Employee Health and Fitness Month
  • Heal the Children Month
  • Healthy Vision Month/UV Safety
  • Hepatitis Awareness Month
  • High Blood Pressure Awareness Month
  • Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month
  • Lupus Awareness Month
  • Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
  • Mental Health Month
  • National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
  • National Celiac Disease Awareness Month (Check out Kerry’s Celiac Disease page on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • National Hepatitis Awareness Month
  • National High Blood Pressure Education Month
  • National Mental Health Month
  • National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month
  • National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
  • National Stroke Awareness Month
  • National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
  • National Toxic Encephalopathy and Chemical Injury Awareness Month
  • National Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month
  • Neurofibromatosis Month
  • Strike Out Strokes Month
  • Trauma Awareness Month
  • Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Women’s Health Care Month

May 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Canadian Immunization Awareness Week – Second week in May
  • Emergency Medical Services Week (EMS) – May 15-21, 2016 (Third Week in May)
  • Food Allergy Awareness Week – May 8-14, 2016
  • MCS Awareness Week or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Week- Second Week in May
  • Medical Transcriptionist Week – Third week in May
  • National Alcohol & Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Week – May 1-7, 2016 (First Full Week in May)
  • National Anxiety & Depression Awareness Week – May 1-7, 2016
  • National Children’s Mental Health Week – May 1-7, 2016
  • National Hospital Week – May 8-14, 2016 (Second week in May)
  • National Nurses Week – May 6-12
  • National Nursing Home Week – May 8-14, 2016 (Starts on Mother’s Day to Following Saturday)
  • National Physical Education and Sports Week – May 1-7 (First Week in May)
  • National Women’s Health Week – May 8-14, 2016
  • North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH) – May 1-7, 2016 (First Full Week in May)
  • Older Americans Mental Health Week – May 15-21, 2014
  • Schizophrenia Awareness Week – May 17-23, 2016

May 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • Childhood Depression Awareness Day – May 3, 2016 (First Tuesday in May)
  • World Asthma Day – May 3, 2016 (First Tuesday in May)
  • National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy – May 4, 2016
  • Occupational Safety & Health Day – May 4, 2016 (Wednesday of the First Full Week of May)
  • Project Aces Day – May 4, 2016 (First Wednesday in May) (Aces = All Children Exercise Simultaneously)
  • Childhood Stroke Awareness Day – May 5
  • International Midwives Day – May 5
  • International No Diet Day – May 6
  • National Nurses Day, or National RN Recognition Day – May 6
  • Bladder Cancer Awareness Day – May 7, 2016 (First Saturday in May)
  • National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day – May 8
  • National Women’s Check-up Day – May 9, 2016 (Monday following Mother’s Day)
  • World Lupus Day – May 10
  • National School Nurse Day – May 11, 2016 (Wednesday of National Nurses Week which is always on May 6-12)
  • International Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndome Awareness Day – May 12
  • International Nurses Day – May 12
  • National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day – May 12
  • National Hospital Day – May 12
  • Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Awareness Day – (CdLS) May 14, 2016 (Second Saturday in May)
  • Hyperemisis Gravidarum Awareness Day – May 15
  • International MPS Awareness Day – May 15
  • TSC Global Awareness Day (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex) – May 15
  • World Hypertension Day – May 17
  • World Neurofibromatosis Day (NF Day) – May 17
  • HIV Vaccine Awareness Day – May 18
  • National Employee Health and Fitness Day – May 18, 2016 (Third Wednesday in May)
  • Hepatitis Testing Day – May 19
  • National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – May 19
  • National Bike to Work Day – May 20, 2016 (Third Friday in May)
  • World Autoimmune Arthritis Day – May 20
  • World Schizophrenia Day – May 24
  • National Senior Health & Fitness Day – May 29 (Last Wednesday in May)
  • World No-Tobacco Day – May 31

June Health Holidays

June Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Cancer from the Sun Month
  • Cataract Awareness Month
  • Child Vision Awareness Month
  • Children’s Awareness Month
  • Disaster Preparedness Month – (Kerry lived very close to the 1994 Chatsworth Earthquake Epicenter in the Los Angeles, CA area – read her Emergency Preparedness series about her experiences, and tips to help prepare on her Healthy Diet Habits website)
  • International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
  • Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month
  • National Aphasia Awareness Month
  • National Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month
  • National Migraine Awareness Month
  • National Scleroderma Awareness Month
  • Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism Month
  • Professional Wellness Month
  • Vision Research Month

June 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Aphasia Awareness Week – Second Week of June
  • Brain Tumor Awareness Week – Second Week of June
  • National Headache Awareness Week – June 5-11, 2016 (First Full Week of June)
  • National Men’s Health Week – June 12-19, 2016 (Second Week of June – ending with Father’s Day)

June 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression – June 4
  • National Cancer Survivors Day – June 5, 2016 (First Sunday in June)
  • World Day Against Child Labor – June 12
  • International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking – June 26
  • United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – June 26
  • National HIV Testing Day – June 27
  • PTSD Awareness Day – June 27

July Health Holidays

July Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Cord Blood Awareness Month
  • Eye Injury Prevention Month
  • Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness Month
  • Herbal / Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
  • International Group B Strep Awareness Month
  • International Women with Alopecia Month
  • Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
  • Light the Night for Sight Month
  • National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month
  • Social Wellness Month
  • UV Safety Month

July 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Every Body Deserves a Massage Week – July 17-23, 2016 (Dates vary every year)
  • Therapeutic Recreation Week – Second Week of July

July 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • Stay Out of the Sun Day – July 3
  • Don’t Step on a Bee Day – July 10
  • World Sjogren’s Day – July 23
  • World Hepatitis Day – July 28
  • Health Care Now! Medicare’s Birthday – July 30

August Health Holidays

August Monthly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Cataract Awareness Month
  • Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
  • Children’s Vision and Learning Month
  • Foot Health Month
  • Medic Alert Month
  • National Breastfeeding Month  (Check out Kerry’s Healthy Breastfeeding page, in her Healthy Infants section on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Month
  • National Immunization Awareness Month
  • National Minority Donor Awareness Month
  • Neurosurgery Outreach Month
  • Psoriasis Awareness Month
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
  • Stevens Johnson Syndrome Awareness Month

August 2016 Weekly Holidays: (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • National Health Center Week – August 7-13, 2016 (Second Full Week in August)
  • World Breastfeeding Week – August 1-7

August 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

September Health Holidays

September Monthly Holidays:  (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • America on the Move – Month of Action
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Month
  • Baby Safety Month
  • Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
  • Cold and Flu Campaign
  • Food Allergy Awareness Month
  • Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month
  • Healthy Aging Month
  • Home and Sports Eye Safety Month
  • International Self-Awareness Month
  • Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month
  • Mold Awareness Month
  • National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month
  • National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month
  • National Childhood Injury Prevention Month
  • National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month – (Check out Kerry’s  Childhood Obesity page, in her Obesity section on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • National Cholesterol Education Month
  • National Disaster Preparedness Month
  • National DNA, Genomics and Stem Cell Education and Awareness Month
  • National Food Safety Education Month
  • National Head Lice Prevention Month
  • National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month
  • National ITP Awareness Month
  • National Menopause Awareness Month
  • National Myositis Awareness Month
  • National Organic Harvest Month
  • National Osteopathic Medicine Month
  • National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Pain Awareness Month
  • National Pediculosis Prevention Month (Head Lice!)
  • National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
  • National Skin Care Awareness Month
  • Newborn Screening Awareness Month
  • Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month
  • Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
  • Sports and Home Eye Safety Month
  • STEPtember

September2016Weekly Holidays:  (Sorted Alphabetically)

  • Active Aging Week – September 25, 2016 – October 1, 2016 (Last Full Week of September)
  • Balance Awareness Week – September 19-25, 2016  (Third week of September)
  • Build a Better Image Week – September 18-24, 2016 (Third Full Week of September)
  • International Clean Hands Week – September 18-24, 2016 (Third Full Week of September)
  • International Deaf Awareness Week – September 18-24, 2016 (Last Whole Week in September from Sunday – Saturday)
  • National Adult Day Services Week – September 13-19, 2015 (Third week of September)
  • National Assisted Living Week – September 11-17, 2016
  • National Childhood Injury Prevention Week – September 1-7
  • National Eczema Week – September 13-21
  • National Environmental Services Week – September 11-17, 2016
  • National Farm & Ranch Safety and Health Week – September 18-24, 2016 (Third Full Week of September)
  • National Nephrology Nurses Week – September 13-19, 2015 (Second Full Week in September)
  • National Rehabilitation Awareness Week – September 18-24, 2016 (Third Full Week in September)
  • National Suicide Prevention Week – September 4-10, 2016
  • National Surgical Technologist Week – September 20-26, 2015
  • National Vegetarian Awareness Week – September 6-12, 2015 (Second Week of September)
  • PNH Awareness Week – September 14-20, 2015 (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria)
  • Prostate Cancer Awareness Week – September 18-24, 2016 (Third Week of September)
  • Reye’s Syndrome Awareness Week – September 20-26, 2015 (Third Week of September)

September 2016 Daily Holidays: (Sorted by Date)

  • Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day – September 8
  • World Physical Therapy Day – September 8
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Day – September 9
  • Stand Up To Cancer Day – September 9, 2016 (Second Friday in September)
  • World Suicide Prevention Day – September 10
  • National Celiac Awareness Day – September 13
  • National Neonatal Nurses Day – September 15
  • Chiropractic Founders Day – September 18
  • National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day – September 18
  • National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day – September 18
  • Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day – September 20, 2016 (Third Tuesday in September)
  • National Myositis Awareness Day – September 21
  • National Rehabilitation Day – September 21, 2016
  • National School Backpack Awareness Day – September 21, 2016 (Third Wednesday in September)
  • World Alzheimer’s Day – September 21
  • Restless Legs Syndrome Awareness Day – September 23
  • Family Health and Fitness Day USA – September 24, 2016 (Last Saturday in September)
  • World Ataxia Awareness Day – September 25
  • National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – September 27
  • National Women’s Health & Fitness Day – September 28, 2016 (Last Wednesday in September)
  • World Heart Day – September 29

October Health Holidays

October Monthly Holidays:

  • American Pharmacists Month
  • Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
  • Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
  • Campaign for Healthier Babies Month (Check out Kerry’s Healthy Infants section on her Healthy Diet Habits Website)
  • Celiac Disease Awareness Month
  • Celiac Sprue Awareness Month
  • Child Health Month
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month
  • Dyslexia Awareness Month
  • Eat Better, Eat Together Month
  • Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
  • Emotional Wellness Month
  • Eye Injury Prevention Month
  • Family Health Month
  • Health Literacy Month
  • Healthy Lung Month
  • Home Eye Safety Month
  • Hunger Awareness Month
  • Long-Term Care Planning Month
  • Lupus Awareness Month
  • Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month
  • Mental Illness Awareness Month
  • National AIDS Awareness Month
  • National Audiology Awareness Month
  • National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
  • National Chiropractic Health Month
  • National Dental Hygiene Month
  • National Depression Education & Awareness Month
  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month
  • National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
  • National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
  • National Ergonomics Month
  • National Family Sexuality Education Month – Let’s Talk
  • National Liver Awareness Month
  • National Medical Librarian Month
  • National Orthodontic Health Month
  • National Physical Therapy Month
  • National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
  • National RSV Awareness Month
  • National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
  • National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month
  • Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Sexuality Education Month
  • SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
  • Spinal Health Month
  • Stress Awareness Month
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Month
  • Tackling Hunger Month
  • Talk About Prescriptions Month
  • World Blindness Awareness Month
  • World Menopause Month
  • Youth Against Tobacco Month


Mas detalles, favor revisar estas Paginas web:



Health Fair, 2016, Ferias salud.

1-888-277-1288    info@ahpsi.org      732-277-9640.

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