Dacanji, Perth Amboy, Feria salud, Logros en 13 Años

Dominican American Communitarian Association Inc , NJ.
In Association With AHPSI- Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey.
1-888-277-1288, 732-277-9640,  resti1@aol.com
Save the date  XIV Annual Communityh   Health Fair, “Decide to be Healthy”, Sunday, 21, 2015,
Place:  Dr.Herbert Richarson , Elementary, School,   318 Stockton St.,Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Time 8am-3pm,  este articulo ofrece un resume ejecutivo   de que se ha logrado en estos ultimos 13 años  de la feria de salud de  Dacanji., en la ciudad de Perth  Amboy,New Jersey.
para seguir avanzando, y cumpliendo  metas necesitamos de su apoyo, con sus servicios medicos, y claro !!! con sus donaciones, gracias por ser parte de esta historia de servicios, Salvando Vidas.. !!
dacanji, 2015 business card
Save the date XIV Annual Community Health Fair, “Decide to be Healthy“, Sunday, 21, 2015,
Place: Dr.Herbert Richardson, Elementary School, 318 Stockton St., Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Time 8 am-3pm.
 This article provides an executive resume that has been achieved over the last 13 years the health fair Dacanji ., in the city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, to move forward, and fulfilling goals need your help with their medical services, and clear !!! with their donations, thanks for being part of this story of services, Saving Lives ..
Dacanji Annual Health Fair , en su 13 años de fundada ha atendido mas de 1, 500 pacientes cada ano, para un total el cual sobrepasa los 20,000 pacientes.
Nuestra feria de la salud  se ha convertido en la feria mas grande enfocada a la comunidad Dominicana, de todo el pais de Estados unidos,  cada ano necesita mas recursos   y apoyo.
Dacanji:  Estadisticas   en estos ultimos 13 Anos:
Cholesterol Screning                        6,500 .
Glusose Screening                          6,500 
Vision screening                              1625.
Prostate Exam                                 650.
Pap Smear Papanicolau                    260.
Colon Cancer Screening                    550.
Medical Conferences                          91
Work Shop –                                        65
Lead Screening                                    75
Mammography.                                       45
Artists-Talents                                   1325.
Writers , Poets                                   325
Healh campaign  Diverse                     195
Clinics, hospitals, agencies, HMOs, have promoted their services.       650
Health professionals who have offered services in this health fair.        1950.
Painters-Artist                                     65
Children Work Shop                             26
Survey- Research  Health  Prevention      20
One HBO documentary ,filmed in our  Health fair,  presents a case successfully identifying donor for a survivor of September 11.
Its founder Dr.Aritmedes  Restituyo 3 years ago became marrow donor, through these health fairs
1-888-277-1288, 732-277-9640,  resti1@aol.com