Psicologa experta expondra, Prevencion Tabaquismo


juana  diaz foto

Ahpsi, Press Release, Para divulgacion:
732-277-9640, 917-403-9220, para registrarse en nuestro congreso medico.

El comite organizador de nuestro XII Congreso medico annual internacional tendra como invitada a al Psicologa, Juana Diaz, la cual expondra sobre recursos disponibles para tratar la adiccion a la Nicotina, incluyendo el uso de Farmacos, el Domingo, 21 de Mayo, 2017, en el Hospital Linconl, Bronx NY, Usted puede registrarse en el mismo congreso, Hora de inicio 7:45am.

Juana Diaz, Es graduada en Psicologia de la universidad Mundial, en la Republica Dominicana,Autora de su nuevo libro “Tabaco,guia prractica Para dejar de Fumar”, Ha laborado en reconocidas Instituciones de la Republica Dominicana como Hogares Crea, Promesa en New York, en la ciudad de Filadelfia fue fundadora del programa de tratamiento de la Adiccion, del desaparecido centro PAN, Junto al Dr.Rafael Cocco, y el Dr.Melchor artinez, el Hopsital linconl, como educadora de Salud, ayudo a desarrollar, el Programa de prevencion y tratamiento de la adiccion a la nicotina.

“Nuestro congreso medico, atravez de su comite organizador, orgullosmente se siente complacida, dentro de esta evento,tener como Invitada a al psicologa, Juana Diaz, el cua esta dedicado en hacer un analisis de las Enfermedades respiratorias, y la prevencion del consumo de cigarrillo, por ende la prevencion del cancer del pulmon” expreso el Dr.Restituyo, Presidente del Ahpsi.


Juana Diaz. Bio

Work Statement

In 1983 I graduated from the University of Mundial Dominicana (World University of Dominican Republic). I graduated as a Clinical Psychologist. My Thesis was under the comparison of the medical model and alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and their recovery.

At the same time I was in collaboration with the Hogar Crea Rehabilitation Home for Addition) and the Department of Agriculture and the office of the Development of the community. Since 1980 to 1983. During that time I was able to develop a few brochures (Pamphlets) such as:

· Nutrition

· The Father as the best friend

· Development of Intelligence

· Development of Personality


The purpose of these brochures was to help families in the community. Family is very important to me because I believe that the first Nucleolus of Society is family. It merits more help, support and a follow up in order to have a better society. The purpose of this is to be able to reach to parents and create a better family environment for substantial changes in society.

In 1983 I came to New York and I started working in a Day Care with three years old children. Then I continued on worked in Philadelphia as the Coordinator of Substance Abused. Following my career as a counselor. I worked in Promesa (Promise) a home for rehabilitation of drug use. I was able to implement various methods of treatment. For Example:

· Play therapy – is a method to be used in order to observe individual’s in the way that he/she interacts with others.

· Emotional Group – is a group therapy for the sole purpose that an individual can let go of all hidden emotions.

· Role Play – The purpose of Roll Play is to let an individual put themselves in the other places. I utilized role playing to illustrate different situations that parents may encounter in their homes. Using this technique will help parents to establish a dialogue for positive and healthy interaction with their children.

· Seminars – This is a teaching of many different topics about individual needs.

· Family Day – With the objective to integrate the family in treatment of the patient to make the recovery more effective.

In 2001 to 2010 I was hired as a Public Health Educator, under Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx to work with the smoking session Program. During that time I wrote various brochures and guides about the different aspects of the habit of smoking and its consequences with collaboration of Mr. Jose Sanchez Director of the South Bronx Network of HHC (Health and Hospital Corporation) in a radio program about tobacco.

Under my duties of the Smoking Session, I was able to provide counseling to individual’s group therapy to help people quit smoking. After completion of program individuals would receive a diploma for their effort and hard work in the program.

The motivation and goal to develop parenting program came to me when I was working with patients in the recovery of substance abuse. Furthermore, the course in parenting that I am currently working on is involved directly with children and their emotional health. As a clinical psychologist I was able to hear how parents suffered because their children’s were being mistreated and abused mentally and physically under the influence of drugs. The goal of this program is to be able to help parents have the tools to be able to communicate to their children’s and to live more productive and harmonious lives.


