Claritza Abreu, experta en informatica Invitada exponer,Boston

1-888-277-1288,  917-403-9220,  978-398-1206.
Claritza Abreu, Nacida en Republicada Dominicana, experta en informatica, Profesora de Cambridge College, MA, directora de aplicaciones , y consultante del  Federal Reserve System,expondra en nuestro congreso medico, Auspiciado or el Colegio Medico Dominicano, y la Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la Salud, Inc NY.     Dia Domingo, 6 de Diciembre,2015.  en Hora de   la  Mañana.
Lugar: Wyndham Boston Andover, Hotel,123  Old River Road., Andover ,MA 01810 USA”
Tema exponer:  ”  Oportunidades en el Area informatica para profesionales de la Salud.

Quien es Claritza Abreu:
Claritza Abreu, Bio.
With extensive experience providing leadership and vision to large information technology organizations, Ms. Abreu is one of the Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston serving the Federal Reserve System-Application Rationalization Program. In addition to this post, Claritza serves Program Chair and Senior faculty of information technology at the Cambridge College School of Management.Claritza fucntioned as one the CIOs at the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services where she was responsible for the oversight of all the information technology operations for several organizations: The Department of Mental Health, The Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, and The MassHealth Data Warehouse. For twelve years, Ms. Abreu served as Director of Information Systems for Boston Public Health Commission.


An EMBA candidate at West Virginia University School of Business and Economics, Ms. Abreu holds a MS degree in computer information systems from Boston University, a BS degree in computer systems engineering and several leadership and technical certifications.

Claritza N.Abreu, MSCIS,,EMBA [Candiate].

Director of Applications and Sr. Business Consultant at the Federal Reserve System

1-888-277-1288,  917-403-9220,  978-398-1206. Dr.Muñoz,