ahpsi, Not For Profit, Located.



Asociacion Hispana de Profesionales de la Salud Inc NY.

Over 25 Years  of services.
Official name of our organization: Asociacion  Hispana de Profesionales de la Salud, Inc NY.Version in English: Hispanic Health Professionals Association Inc NY.Year of Foundation of AHPSI: November, 1989.AHPSI : Tax ID # 13-374-1942

Incorporated as a nonprofit organization Year 1993 “Not for Profit Organization.”

Tax exempt federal certification, 501c [3],   Year 2008.

Mailing address, P.o. Box  321856   Ft. Washington Station, New York, NY 10032, NY.

AHPSI: official phone: 1-888-277-1288

AHPSI:Official E-mail  : info@ahpsi.org

Board of director is composed of seven members & 5  Counselor.About 500 active members.Inactive members around 3000 members.Our website is:  https://www.ahpsi.orgOfficial Blogs: http://ahpsi.wordpress.com

Geographic Area where we offer services:

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts.
Our Services:To Health Professionals offer general guidance, courses, training, certification courses, and counseling for better insertion of them as health professionals in USA
AHPSI: Our basic programs. 
Monthly Medical Update Conference last Friday of every month.Annual International Medical Congress,3th  Sunday in May , without fail !!!Academy of preparation for the USMLE.Preparation for Dentist,  Academy.Certification Program “Surgical Assistant”

Medical Assistant Program Certification, EKG, Phlebotomy.

English Program Basic &   Technical   Health Professionals.

Counseling & Consulting our healthcare professionals for employment in their areas ..

Programs Health Fair, “Decide to be Healthyorganized about  15 Health Fairs, each  year, in different cities & Different States.

Consulting local and foreign universities & institutions of various countries area related to Latinos Health  and related to the creation of new programs.
“We are the second house of health professionals in USA !!!

Our Association Ahpsi, is represented by its president Dr.Aritmedes Restituyo, resti1@aol.com       

Board Members: 2016-2017

Dra.Theresa Rodriguez, Past President.

Dr.Diogenes Fermin, Executive  Director.

Dra.Dorka Peña, Treasurer

Dra.Marleny Sarante.Board Member .

Dra.Eva Garcia. Board Member

Dra.Ingrid Franco Board Member.

Official Address:   Po.Box #  321856, New York NY ,  10032.

 732-277-9640, e-fax: 732-725-0868.Dr.Restituyo.   1-888-277-1288